Fighting Cancer without the will to Fight

3 minute read time.

Hi there,

This is the first time I have ever posted a blog, so bare with me. My father has been suffering from mental illness for some 10 years, possibly longer. He is a paranoid schizophrenic. Over the years I've had to section him as a young man, which was a difficult decision but a must as he was in psychosis. I've seen His health deteriorating at a fast pace and his motivation and "want" to live rapidly deminish. He is a big smoker and only takes pleasure in he has done over most of his life. On Monday we found out he has lung cancer! My fear is that with his mental health as it is that he will not have the FIGHT in him to get through the intensive cancer treatment that is to follow. He is 63 and has only just began to get a bond with my children/his grandchildren over the last 2 years as I moved him in with me due to his ill health. I am one of 7 siblings, half brothers and sisters as my father was the typical old school British Jamaican and let's just say led an interesting life. His story is a shocking one from start to finish... My question to whoever reads this is how can I help my father survive cancer, with mental illness when he can't fight to even get out of bed? What hope is there when he has none?

I myself and most if not all of My siblings suffer from a mental illness of sorts. I suffer from anxiety and constantly have this sick feeling or butterflies, worrying about anything and everything. Since finding out that I may lose my father, these anxiety levels have increased. I am using this blog as a way to get out how I feel in the hope that firstly I can gain some insight to how other have dealt with something similar..(a family member diagnosed with cancer that also suffers from mental illness) secondly as a way to cope with the anxiety and get these thoughts and concerns off my chest.

How can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped? How can you force someone to eat that feels sick at the thought of food? How do you get someone to stop smoking that even after being diagnosed with lung cancer can't or doesn't want to quit? Am I fighting a losing battle, should I give up and face the fact that quite possibly in the next months, maybe years my father will be gone?

I am trying my best to stay positive and to try and give my father reasons to live. He has children and grandchildren that love him. He has led as mentioned before a life full of disturbing experiences that has shaped him into the person he is today. As a result he has limited friends, he has burned bridges with many family members including some of my siblings and I feel ultimately responsible for him. However with my own anxiety and three young children to care for, self employed trying to keep all the working parts going while dealing with my father and his recent cancer diagnosis has left me feeling a bit lost. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any comments, suggestions are welcome.  

  • Hi there,

    Thank you very much for posting, even though I am very sorry for the reasons you had to post. Your love, energy and care for your father really come through in your post and in my opinion that is the most important thing you should hold on to in all of this.

    I can not offer advice about long term mental illness or your father's specific condition, my anxiety and depression was brought on by the illness itself. My coping mechanism is to live in the moment. It is so cliched but in my opinion true - there is very little we can actually control in this life so I think all we can do is put one foot (metaphorically) in front of the other and try the best we can or want to. I think ultimately your father is the only one who can decide what he wants to do with what he is facing, and all you can do is show your love, energy and care as you already have in your post. Maybe a mental health specialist could offer more specific advice - I am sure you will not be alone in your specific situation.

    Wishing you all the very best,


  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome. Sorry about your father. You could try giving him Nourishment drinks. They are a meal in a drink so he may drink it easier than eating solids, particularly as breakfast. Otherwise let him eat what he wants within reason. I'm unable to advise on the mental health issue. Would he go if you could arrange counselling? I wish you all the best.

  • FormerMember

    I am pleased to see this post.  Which sounds mad, but I am in a similar boat.  iit is no fun at all. All conventional treatments just sticking plaster.

    Yes, live in the moment has to be the answer.  Difficult part is, how???

    only person who's given me any reassurance so far is Eckhart Tolle.  Lot of free stuff on you Tube.

    This life is just a form, so if we die  it does not matter.  The essential part of us will survive.

    I'd like to see some kind of philosophy blog, to address these kinds of questions.

  • FormerMember

    Hi and welcome. sorry you are having to go through this experience. I have had cancer I also have mental health issues and bi polar disorder. For me having a cancer diagnosis took me way out of my comfort zone and in a lot of ways made me stronger. For some reason I was determined to push forward and make the most of things. Do you have access to support from mental health services? I hope you can get some help and some support. have you called the macmillian  helpline maybe they could point you in the right direction.