Dining Out after Throat Cancer

1 minute read time.

I'm new to this forum so excuse me if I don't follow the correct format!  Here goes ......

My dad (aged 71) underwent surgery to remove his voice box and part of his tongue after being diagnosed with throat cancer around 18 months ago.   It's been a long and hard journey for him, but things are starting to look up.

Now he's feeling in a position to start leading a 'normal' life again, understandably he wants to enjoy all the things he used to, i.e. holidays, dining out etc.

The problem he has is that he can only eat blended food with plenty of gravy .... no problem whilst dining at home, however a completely different story if he attempts to dine out.  He has approached a restaurant in the past  & explained his needs and was reassured it was not a problem to provide blended food, however the presentation was questionable!  They seem to think he needs the whole meal putting into a blender & presenting him with what we can only describe as a bowl of dog food!

I / my dad would really appreciate any advice you can give, it's such a shame as he now avoids going out:-(  The next challenge will be a holiday in two weeks time in Spain ..... he doesn't know how he's going to eat.


  • FormerMember

    Hi! Know exactly what you mean! Utterly unappealing! Wiltshire farm foods do a good range of microwave blended meals and I'd be tempted to take one of these along to be heated! Solves the problem and everyone can relax and enjoy a meal out! Ice cream for afters maybe! Take care gill x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Woody1705

    If you haven't already found it, there's a Head & Neck Group on the site.  We've had quite a few discussions there recently about eating problems and you might find some tips there to help your Dad.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Gill & Margaret really appreciate your comments xxx