Waiting for diagnosis

1 minute read time.

Hi I'm hoping someone can give me some advice and poss out my mind at rest. I went into hospital with kidney stones and uti last wk. They did a ct a nice which has shown and enlarged spleen and swollen nodes. The urology team discharged me as kidney stones have passed and they could send me home with antibiotics for my uti. Before leaving the ward a gentleman came and intruded himself as a heamotoloist specialising in lymphoma. I was frozen to the spot. He explained what they had found and that they want to do another ct scan the next day to scan my neck thorax and abdo. I stayed in for another night so they could do the scan first thing. This scan came back clear thank god! I am now left in limbo, they are netting with mdt tomorrow and they said I will hear from them asap so I expect to get a call Thursday or Friday.  Am I over reacting and easing too much into this as one doctors thankfully said it could be nothing! This is the one time I'll be happy to be called a dram queen as I'm in abs turmoil at the minute. I'm keeping myself busy distracting myself but there is no escaping my thoughts. Thanks in advance guys. Sorry if this is wasting  anyone's time  xx

  • Hi emmablackburn and welcome to the community at this worrying time. The early days of uncertainty and not knowing can be very stressful. Your mind works overtime and thinks the worst. Although you are looking for reassurance, it would be difficult for anybody to give you any sort of outcome at this stage. The good news is that your scans are clear. It sounds as though they are looking after you and  the tests are done in stages as an elimination process. If, and I stress If, any cancer is detected, you will get help, advice and support here from others who have been there. I hope your fears are unfounded. Best wishes.

  • FormerMember

    Hi EmmaBlackburn

    This is the right place to come to for some support.  The worrying time between the possibility of a diagnosis or not is not nice.  No getting round it but hopefully it will be relatively short and before too much longer you will have an answer and can go forward.  Remember that.  There is always a forward xxx