Chapter 8; Another thing to worry about

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So it’s been 2 months since I last posted, sorry!

The Mirena is doing its job and at an ultrasound last week, my uterus lining has gone from 2cm to 1cm in just 9 weeks! There was also no sign of cysts which is good news. I’ll have a biopsy in February and see how things are looking from that point of view. 

Aside from that, I’ve been referred to the Breast Clinic. Very quickly I may add! Down the speedy 2 week route again. I’ve been having pain in my left breast for 3-4 months now. It’s very sharp, takes my breath away and feels very deep inside the breast. So I’m seeing a Breast surgeon Tuesday (31st) to have a scan, probably a mammogram and maybe a biopsy if they see anything. I’m not feeling too nervous but we’ll see!

I’ll try and update more often and write what happened at the appointment x

  • FormerMember

    HI.  I am wondering if your IUD has continued to be successful and whether it is hopeful that your CEH will be reversed. I too have been diagnosed and am scheduled to undergo the IUD therapy. I am neRelaxedvous and wondering what kind of results I can expet.  Thank you and best wishes Relaxed

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracey!

    So far so good with the Mirena. I’m actually due to have my 6 month biopsy next month to see how the cells are looking.

    I’ve not had any problems with Mirena really. Just some lower back ache. I bled for a few weeks and now just have brown spotting around once a month for 4-5 days.

    I found having the Mirena being inserted quite painful, but I’ve had friends who have felt nothing! You will bleed after it’s been inserted but that’s totally normal. Once it’s settled you forget it’s even there. Good luck with everything! ... x