Love you and miss you Alison

1 minute read time.

My partner of twenty five years was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2013, after nearly dying from two infections and having a mastectomy she managed to pull through and we hoped we could continue with our lives, only for it to return a year later (this is an aggressive form of cancer) again she survived with no complications this time and returned to work to her vocation in life as a Staff Nurse. Last year after the CT scan the tumour had returned, and this time she was told they could operate to hopefully get it all out, this would involve six hours of surgery and four ribs removed to be replaced with plastic ribs..This was such a scary time, but thankfully Alison got through this ordeal and even returned to work the Operation was in August 2006 and she was working again in Feb 2017. After another CT scan devastatingly the Cancer had yet again return this time they are going to try and control the tumour and shrink it.

This was written a few weeks ago and didn't post it ,,,

Today 9/07/2017

Alison passed away this morning ,I had come home from working nights to find her in the hall dead, she was very cold so had passed while I was at work. I am totally devastated and don't know what to do... I have lost my best friend and soul mate, I feel so scared.
