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Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. I was diagnosed with a benign breast tumour a few months ago. I was told that they didn't need to do anything or take it out unless the lump changed or there was taurma to the breast. About 6 weeks after the biopsy I was in a car crash. I man hit me head on with some force and my left breast was crushed. Saying it was black and blue was an under statement. The pain from where the tumour is, is horrible and the whole breast is sore. I've been to the docters twice now for them to have a look and I keep being told to wait. I'm concerned becuase surely any trauma to the breast is bad?! I'm still left with what looks like a staining on the breast. I'm concerned when I go back in September they won't refer me to the breast clinic for an ultra sound. You cannot feel the lump as it's deep, it was only picked up on by the ultra sound. I'm 30. Has anyone ever had a similar situation or no about fribroads/ taurma to the breast? Thank you 
