
1 minute read time.

So today was the day we had been dreading. My lovely Mum the most well of my parents and step parents was diagnosed with a mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung.  I'm a nurse i thought I'd be prepared for this but I wasn't. 

Mum has had a cough for 6 months then chest pain on the right side. She was referred after a repeat x-ray showed consolidation on the lung. Even though the consultant said he was concerned about cancer I still clung to hope that it was something else. She had a bronchoscopy that was normal, got a collapsed lung in the process. She then had a ct guided biopsy this is what gave us the answers. 

Still hearing the news today was a shock i feel numb. She will be refered to the oncologists. Surgery is  not an option so it will be chemotherspy .My mum is most worried about my Dad not herself. That is so typical of her she puts everybody else before her. 

 Telling people i love is horrendous, my daughters just crumbled I feel I need to be strong for her and my mum and dad. 

The thought of her going through chemotherapy and seeing her unwell terrifies me and I'm a nurse. I thought I could deal with anything. But this is my mum and I'm scared tonight.
