I am the 1:9

2 minute read time.

I am the 1in 9

Who ever knew 
I'd be the girl who
Got the butt end of the deal
Know how that makes me feel?
Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who,
Youngest sibling
Without parents at my bidding

Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who
Nursed for 33 years
To retire with cancer and tears

Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who
Never had a hubby
To rub my scarred tummy(tubby tummy)

Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who
In my matesgroup of 4 
Drew the short straw

Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who
Depended on her friends 
And will love them to the end

Who ever knew
I'd be the girl who
Has lovely sisters
Whose help gives them blisters

Who ever knew
I'd be the lucky one
With friends and faith to match
Got thro without a scratch 

(With massive apologies to those that didn't...it is just how I am feeling today ...bless you xx

The sun is shining and I am just off to my Aquarobics ladies class..most have had ca and all are nice,me nearly youngest...dum day dummmmmmm xx

  • Glad you have sisters, I had 3 brothers. 1 who died, 1 who doesn't talk to me and the other one is ok apart from having had cancer and half his lung removed. Aquarobics sounds fun. I have loved dance for a long time, used to be disco. I have learnt a few different styles since then.