Someone to talk to

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Hi I'm new to this and I hope someone out there sees this and I'm able to talk to someone

I'm 18 years old at the end of January I lost my dad to cancer. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to cope with and I still can't cope with it, that is why I'm up at this time trying to find someone to talk to, I have so much anger inside because I feel like if certain people did there job properly I would still have my dad here and my mum would still have her husband here. 

  • Hi Lost

    I found you. I'm sorry to hear about your dad; I lost my father to cancer a few years ago. It is very hard. I felt a lot of mixed emotions too.

    I went to Cruise bereavement support and they gave me counseling- that really helped.

    Wishing you the best on your journey

    Love and light


  • FormerMember

    I've just read your post and it made me cry. I am not sure I can do anything to help, as I can't imagine losing my dad at your age. However I lost my mum when I was 32 years old and it had a devastating effect on me because I didn't grieve so I became quite ill. Please grieve, cry, look at and remember happy memories you shared. It is a huge loss, and although you will never stop missing him or loving him the pain will not be so raw, Live your life as your dad would have wanted you to. Support your mum and if it doesn't get better, ask for help through a bereavement group. I belong to something similar and believe me it helps to talk to people who have had experiences like yours.

    If you want to talk more, let me know.