Why so much hair?!

3 minute read time.

After being diagnosed in April 2017 with stage 4 bowel cancer and completing my first surgery 3 weeks ago I decided today was the day I was going to attend the dreaded support group!! I'm not sure why but part of me wanted to attend and part of me wanted to run screaming. I'm a 31 year old mother of 4 with my youngest being 9 months old. I wanted to be out enjoying the sun with my baby not sat in group taking about this unwanted THING that had made itself at home in my body! But after much deliberation I decided to take my first steps into the world of cancer! 

So the bestie came round to look after my beautiful baby girl so that hubby could come with me. This girl is truly awesome and I really don't know what I would have done without her over the last few months (but don't tell her cos she will get a massive head). Group was running 11-1 but open access which meant if I wanted to do a runner after 5 minutes I could! So just before 11 I said my goodbyes and told bestie I really wouldn't be long.. There was NO WAY I was staying for 2 hours! 

So we arrive on the car park and are greeted by an elderly couple who make small talk about the weather. We head towards the entrance with me mumbling "let's just go home" "they're all old" "I don't want to be a victim". Hubby kindly shoves me through the door to "can you sign in here please" "have you been before?" "Do you want tea or coffee?" "Biscuit?" "Can you wear this name badge so we know who you are?" ARGHHHHHHH someone help me escape! 

Then out of nowhere appears Andrea (my cancer nurse). I didn't know she was going to be here. She doesn't even work Wednesday! But I'm sooooo glad she is! I must look like a deer in the headlights here. I make my way out of the back door and into the garden and I'm free! Or so I thought. 

One lady brings me tea, then another brings me biscuits, another to tell me about the different therapies available today, another about a boat trip... You get the picture! Simon calls us inside to listen to the talk from the nurses. PLEASE don't make me go back in there! 

Simon begins to talk and introduces the nurses from Macmillan. I can hear a faint mumbling but all I can think is.... Everyone here has hair!! I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't that! 

The nurses finish speaking and it's time to mingle! Oh YIPPEE! Me and the hubby sit glued to the spot. Next thing you know JIM is sitting down next to us and we're gonna speak to him weather we want to or not! Very confident Jim tells us all about his cancer story and I escape to have some reflexology just in time to leave the hubby explaining mine! Phew! 

When I came out after a very relaxing foot massage that I thoroughly enjoyed lunch had been served. Hubby and Jim were still chatting away but now they had been joined by a few more! Hubby was clearly making friends :-) 

Hubby told me that whilst I'd been away they had done chair exercises. I'm glad I missed that part, however I was a little disappointed to realise I'd literally just missed out on hubby doing chair exercises just because he felt awkward bowing out! Hahahaha :-) 

So anyway after further chats with Jim, roger, Betty, Mavis and Gordon I glanced at the clock...12:50pm... Arghhhh it's nearly finished! I'm not staying till the end! I can't have enjoyed myself that much! Or can I?! Quick time to leave!.... Anyone know when the next meetings on? :-) 
