It's All Gone Tits Up!

  • Second Stop - Breast Cancer Clinic Central


    The 23rd May 2017.  Back to the Hospital.  This time it is in the Consultant's Breast Cancer Clinic.  Apparently, last weeks' appointment was The Non Stop Shop Clinic; but this is just The Breast Cancer Clinic.  The waiting room is packed.  Surely, all of these people can't have breast cancer?!?  Turns out there is a Urology Clinic being run at the same time, so now half of us have Breast Cancer, the other half…

  • The Beginning


    On the 10th May this year (2017), I started on a journey.  It's not really a journey that I intended to take, however, fate has set me on this journey; and I have absolutely no choice other than to follow it.

    About seven to eight weeks before the 10th May, I had a sore tit!  A sore right tit!  Sore enough that I didn't want to take my bra off in the evening.  Now, as most women know, there is nothing nicer than getting…