What do I do now? Total gatrectomy.

3 minute read time.

Quick synopsis.

Suffered from indigestion most of my life, went silent then in 2015 I started having problems, after being unable to swallow food and eat hot and cold items together hot food cold drink, I went to the doctor. 

They prescribed high dose omeprazole but it did nothing so they booked me in for an endoscopy. That was in Dec 2015. In Feb 2016 I had endoscopy Nd was told there and then I had cancer, also told not to google it but I did so will written who was getting dogs, cats etc most important.

Bit I was wrong, even though it was advanced, stage 3 oncologist and surgeon were pretty confident they could get it. 

3 x EOX April, May June. Surgery 8th August to remove all my stomach plus 50 lymph nodes all of which were clear but due to staging I had more chemo and radiotherapy.chemo was cut short due to sickness ended 20th Nove an drew last radiotherapy session was 21st, 2 days before my 44th birthday. 

Since then I got really poorly unable to eat and drink first week of December, delayed reaction to radiotherapy. Got better after hospital stay only to go down hill again as I was trying to eat too much too soon as I had a friends wedding to attend December 28th. Sadly I did not make it as I was admitted into hospital again on23rd December. 

Since then I have had dumping syndrome, tried every nutrient drink going and finally found I can stomach protein bars and generally try and snack all the time. I have to put an alarm on to remind me as having no stomach means I do not feel hungry. I find food boring. Visited a hypnotherapist to help with nausea and an aversion tos jells, that really helped. 

Now I am getting back to work after being lethargic for so long. I have builds up slowly and I can manage 5 hours a day plus walking my old geriatric dog. The younger girl is with a friend as I cannot exercise her enough yet. 

Why suddenly do I feel the need to write all this down, because I feel bluh, I am not depressed thankfully. My friends and family helped me avoid that although I can easily see how I could have fallen into that trap. Bit I do get days where I think I cannot be bothered. I just want to lie still and do nothing. This is not good so I have to force myself up and out. 

I have things to look forward to each month, days out, new bathroom being done etc but I still feel a bit lost and a bit lonely. 

Not wanting or needing sympathy, I just think I need to get this done in writing to tell the universe how I feel and that I need it to stop. I am not going to be he same person I was, I am better, I have fought a long and hard battle and I am winning and I will continue to do so. 


Now I have that off my chest maybe I can stopping weeping at the  slightest thing, i cannot go into work and blart, I will not get the job I am after, if I do, I need to show strength and my positive nature. 

Maybe go shopping for the new size 10'clothes I can now fit into. I look skeletal naked but I can now where the fashionable clothes so that is the new me. Time to reinvent and enjoy. 

There is always a bright side



  • FormerMember

    Crying is a normal reaction. You are honest, and open to your emotions, and that's a very good thing. Just know that you are not alone. You have a whole community behind you, and around you. Your perspective is changing, but that's not a bad thing, as the BS gets stripped away. You will become purer, in a sense. Yes, there's always a bright side!

  • FormerMember

    dear zantri, This reply is a little late because I just joined the site today. I hope you are feeling better by now. I am from US and had TG August 2016. I am fine with no more stomach cancer, but I’m still working out the diet stuff. I count carbohydrates like a diabetic, due to reactive hypoglycemia or dumping. I recently began vitamin B12 shots every month and that seems to help my energy levels a lot. But I work 2 days a week and find it tiring. I have to plan out food a lot if I’m not at home. Do you get low blood sugar a lot? Are you still able to hsve a glass if wine or beer? neener