Scared, worried, losing it

3 minute read time.

I honestly don't know where to turn I'm sorry if this is wrong to post here but....

I am 22 years old and since January I've started out with symptoms that I'd barely noticed due to ignorance and a busy life - I began bleeding between periods, bleeding after sex and having horribly heavy painful periods. Around 6 weeks ago I began having period pains around 4 days after the last day of menstruation (very abnormal for me) this was Saturday morning.. By Sunday night the 'period cramps' had moved entirely to my right side and I could barely stand I felt sick faint exhausted I went to ooh GP who sent me away with antibiotics and pain killers and told me to go to a&e in the morning if I wasn't any better. 

The next day I was discharged from a&e and told it was 'most likely a urine infection' 2 days passed and the pain was excruciating I couldn't sleep, eat or walk everything was a struggle I went back to my GP who sent me to surgical assessment from there I had an ultra sound which revealed.... NOTHING sent home and told to return in 2 days If I was with the same.. Which I did (by this point I could barely stand without fainting due to lack of sleep energy and exhaustion. They admitted me and sent me home the next day due to bloods being normal - at this point I started having blood in my stool that I had only just noticed and realised for some time I can't always make it for a wee it's as if my muscles can't stop it anymore. (I'll fast forward as this goes on a while but I revisited my GP around 5 times in 2 weeks each time sent to surgical assessment then sent home) after almost 3 weeks after original pain I was admitted and told it was appendicitis and I was going to have an exploratory laperostemy the next day (which I did) I as discharged the next day happy knowing my diagnosis after around a week I was PAIN FREE.....for about 3 days. I woke up feeling like my insides had been set alight I didn't know what to do I stood up and fell to the floor I could barely move (honestly in my head I thought I was dying) I laid for quite some time before my boyfriend took me to my GP who sent me in an ambulance to hospital I was weak, white as a sheet, tacky cardiac, low blood pressure... But my bloods were 'normal' except for elevated WBC. They wanted to do every hit another ultra sound, CT and have me admitted, I was given morphine for the pain but it didn't take it away. The next day the surgeon came to me and said we are discharging you with antibiotics for a urine infection at which point my heart sank - they did no test they said they would and told me to leave even though I still felt so poorly I just felt like I didn't matter to anyone it was like depression had set in instantly I didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone I felt I'd wasted everyone's time but I work in healthcare I just couldn't believe how I'd been treated like an idiot - I doubted myslef and my symptoms but they were ongoing. My GP called me a couple of days later to see how I was I explained th situation and she booked me in right away she apologised on behalf of the surgeon and tried to comfort me she mentioned that my symptoms currently could be a range of things from cervical or ovarian cancer to endometriosis or Crohn's disease. She was amazing and really made me feel human again she booked me a referral to the colorectal unit in 2 weeks and they have organised another ultra sound - however this was a week ago. Yesterday I woke up and felt as if someone had their hand around my throat and had stuffed my stomach/abdomen with something heavy. I've barely eaten for 48 hours now, my pains are still on going and symptoms all still there just hoping someone could try give me any kind of help advice or similar experiences I'm losing it! Thank you 

  • FormerMember

    Sounds horrendous - I feel for you. My lymphoma was diagnosed as possible appendicitis and only 5 months later as I kept pushing did the ct scan pick up an 11cm bowel mass

    I do hope they get to the bottom of it soon - if you can, you should push for a suitable scan asap

    Good luck


  • hi Hol29

    how awful for you

    but it's good that the GP is now taking you seriously and sorting out proper tests.

    we have active ovarian and cervical groups as well as womb cancer and colorectal

    I'm also going to tag two of our champs for you, I can see they're both active this morning daloni and Kalliope

    thanks guys

    have a read around and feel free to add a question to any of the threads by using the reply button or start your own thread




  • We are all told and advised to speak to our GP s if we have anything out of the ordinary or worried about. How many times have I read on this group about people being fobbed off and symptons downplayed.

    True lots of things don't need hospital treatment, but so many on here with cancer diagnosis have had to persist with their doctors to take them seriously.

    Took my GP 3 months to refer me for surgery after being prescribed creams and potions for an apparently text book case of skin cancer.

    I have written to my MP telling him about the desperate situations some people are going through with their late cancer diagnosis. Apparently lots of money is being spent on treatments and research!

  • FormerMember

    Hello, thank you all of your for your support and kind words I've had a blood test this morning I'm currently off work but have no motivation to do a thing. The feeling in my tummy like a heavy weight is still there, my mum asked if I was having panic attacks (I used to have them very frequently up to 10 a day when I was younger) but unlike a panic attack this feeling isn't going away I physically try and prop my tummy up in bed with a pillow when I'm on my side it feels that heavy (I'm only a size 10) but the exhaustion now is killing me I have energy for about 2 hours a day (when I say energy I mean able to actually do something e.g have a wash, tidy up, do a bit of work) I sleep solidly for around 8 hours a night but during the day even my bones are tired all I ever want to do is lay down and sleep. Sick of the waiting and wondering

    Love to you all
