Big Upset

1 minute read time.

Life was good I had met Joyce ( name changed )  in May 2014 like me she had lost her partner to cancer so we understood each other and life challenges. We travelled we loved we were in real tune , yet as my diagnosis evolved the playing field changed . Joyce began to become less close didn't see as much of me and I sensed her feelings wane . She didn't tell her two so sons of my plight ; my guess being that they would discourage contact to protect their mothers wellbeing  which I understand . In fact I had never met one son due to the legacy of his late father ( he passed away 10 years ago )

So last Wednesday Joyce ended our 3 year relationship she had said in weeks. Earlier she would support me through this as best she could and could never live with the guilt of deserting me .

Yet she did just that ; how can anyone in an hour of need do this to another ; I am deeply deeply hurt it seems as soon as Cancer was mentioned then all bets were off . Ronnie 67 years West Sussex 

  • hi Ronnie

    I want to say something but I really don't know what to say

    we've debated this many times when people meet someone new, what to tell them, whether true love will see them through all the hard times of being a carer, it is going to be harder that you've had three good years and now she turns her back.

    Perhaps it is because she's familiar with the drill that she's chosen the path she has, just because she had been a carer before doesn't mean she was a good one and perhaps she was frightened of having to face certain aspects again.

    I don't know much about Myeloma, are you having chemo ?

    All I can do is send you a virtual hug, and the pandas and tell you that I'm thinking of you.



  • Hi Ronnie

    I too am sending hugs, and I can say I really do understand how you feel. I was diagnosed 2 and half years ago with Incureable lung cancer. I had been married for just over a year at the time. I had an operation followed by radiotherapy. My husband left. Packed his bags and walked out on his wife, who he said was the love of his life.

    2 years on I'm glad he went. I'm far happier than being with someone who really wasn't going to be there for me.

    I know there really isn't much I can say to you at the moment to make you feel better right now. Just know that there are people on this site that are here for you.

    Take care

  • FormerMember


    Sadly your partner has realised they are unable to cope. I do not have a partner but I have noticed many different reactions with my friends, dome who have already experienced cancer & death, others who have experienced cancer struggles & some none & I still cannot tell you who is going to react in a certain way. My one friend whose mum died found it upsetting but was very supportive, another whose mum had very recently lost her mum could not visit me in hospital but apologised & came when I was out. Another avoided me & yet another wondered how it was going to affect them.

    We are all different & until we are in a situation we do not know how we will react.

    I am sorry you feel let down & I hope you can find support through this but do not be too hard or angry, some people have the strength others can give & give & some have a breaking point.

    It's hard seeing someone you love suffer & for some people it's something they cannot suffer. Try & get past the hate, move onto acceptance & what you need to get through this.

    I will be thinking of you & hoping you can find comfort, friendship or whatever it is you need, elsewhere.

