Coping with the treatment for anal cancer

32 minute read time.

Hi all, 

So I am writing this blog in the hope that it will help others going through anal cancer like myself! 

I am 43 yrs old and female. I have been diagnosed with early squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anal canal i started treatment on the 22nd May 2017 and I want to share the daily experiance I go through to help answer some questions. I am also taking part in a 

clinical trial that will see me do 1 week less of chemo/ radio so 4.5 weeks instead of 5.5 weeks. 

So I will start !! 

Monday 22 nd may 2017, 1st day of treatment. A long day took my chemo tablets at 8.30 in the morning then went to hospital. Had chemo In my hand also and first lot of radiotherapy got home at 3pm. 

Also have to take my chemo tablets on an evening everyday whilst having radiotherapy so took at 8.30pm.

Tuesday 23rd May 2017 - in and out today so great stuff don't feel anything so far however I did have a snooze this afternoon!!! Not sure if that's just bordem though at the moment as used to working full time! 

Wednesday 24th may 2017, well threw my guts up first thing this morning and stomach felt a bit icky all day! So have started on the sickness tablets,again in and out for radiation and again slept this afternoon for 2 hours oh well if I want to sleep I will x

  • Sunday 28th May 2017 

    So I am at the end of the 1st week. Did an extra day yesterday with the bank holiday

    How do I feel? Not much different really although I am starting to see the effects of radiation. My lady bits appear to look sunburned very red I have been applying the aqueous cream but it's not painful yet!! But I can sort of tell I am not going to get away Scott free in that area if you know what I mean. 

    Glad to not have to go through it for a couple of days no visits to hospital, no taking tablets absolutely bliss!! So tiring just doing the visits each day so glad I decided not to try and work through this period. 

    A little more tired than usual, want my bed by 8.30 but can cope with this now. Went to blackpool yesterday with husband and 8yr old daughter even managed a couple of rides lol.

    1st day 2nd week! Monday 29th May 2017.

    Back on taking the chemo tablets morning and evening (ugg) just not a tablet person at all keep retching but would be exactly the same taking a headache tablet lol. 

    It's been great this weekend felt almost normal even had ice cold kopperberg cider with ice lovely! Anyway the radiation was at 11.15 and again I was straight in and out. Now even though you have a break from the radiation it continues to work so my BM have changed over the last 2 days. 

    I am still in control and don't have diarrhoea however I am going to the toilet about 5/6 tims a day. I feel the need to go, there is something there that needs to come out but when I go only a small bit comes out as it seams to break off and then I can't get anymore out. 

    Because I am having to wipe so many times through the day this has made my bottom hole sore! I have talked to the radiation nurses today who have assured me it's normal side effect but that I haven't to use the wipes. Reason for this is that whatever is on the wipes will be effecting my skin due to the radiation. I explained I just can't use dry toilet paper they advised me to use toilet paper with the aqueous cream on so I will do this from now on.

    Also my breasts are very very tender???? Nothing to do with radiation so not sure if chemo or early signs of going through menopause.

    Wednesday 31st May 2017

    So in and out of radiation yesterday, today I was 4 mins late and it was an early appointment and traffic into Leeds was horrendous. I had to wait half hour today and let me tell you that ain't easy after having full bladder. 

    Bottom hole is starting to get a little bit sore now, but bareable still. Can still sit on it and wear underwear but it definataly feels sore. I have had a lookwith mirror and. Am see a few tiny little pinprick blisters or little spots with heads on. 

    Breast- OMG so sore, heavy and tender had to get out of bed last night and put a bra on, it's weird because I never even got sore breasts with my monthly period so that's something I will be speaking to my onocologist about tomorrow.

    Eating- well sickness tablets are working so I am not really off my food although I know I could be if I thought about it too much, I am just eating and not worrying too much about what goes in my mouth- later I am having sticky toffee pudding with Cornish custard #yumyum!. 

    Don't feel overly tired I am used to being shattered from working full time and being a mum but overall I am not too bad at all. I can honestly say that I can more or less still do everything although I know the soreness around my nether regions is going to progress! 

    I am not being intimate with my husband. Even though I was advised as long as we wear protection we could but I think we both made a mental silent agreement that that's not on the menu for a while! He will be fine he went 9 months when I was carrying our child!! 

    BM - settled a little although still going couple of times a day but not diarrhoea yet and am still in control. Just cleaning down there with toilet paper and aqueous cream as anything else interferes with radiation and can cause irritation to the skin.   

    Hope these updates are useful for people I will keep updating.

    Thursday 1st June 2017

    Quick update, where I could see the tiny pinprick spots is now an area about the size of a 10 pence piece of pink skin. It's not broken yet but is a bit sore to the touch. This is a good demonstration of how the radiotherapy continues to work on your body.

    Anouther beautiful day today but unfortunately sitting out unit is not an option. You are told that you must cover up because your skin is very sensitive due to treatment. So am going to cover up and take my daughter to the park whilst I still can x

    Saturday 3rd June 2017

    So late Thursday afternoon after writing my post I went for my Thursday visit with my onocologist and nurses. This happens every week and they go through how your feeling , take a look at the area, take your bloods, weight. Because I am taking part in a trial I also have my research nurse there they ask lots of questions has this changed has that. 

    Mentioned my boobs hurting, and also the small area of raw pink skin near my bottom hole. Both was looked at they were quite confused at that the tender boobs as this is not a usual or uncommon side effect from either radio or chemo but they had a good grope anyway to make sure no lumps. In regards to my bottom they confirmed it had indeed split the skin down there. Gutted actually because apart from that I don't feel bad at all.

    So the area is now getting quite sore, it's right next to my anus as well so there is no getting away from catching it after going to the toilet and wiping. I have been given some "wait for it " CAVITY FILLER!!  Haha they call it a wick, basically it's a soft piece of sponge that sits in your bum crack to stop the split area getting infected. Obviously it just falls out when you need to go to the loo. I am not on any pain killers yet for this as it's only when I am sitting funny or when I go to the toilet that it hurts. I would imagine now the skin has broken it will only get worse. 

    BM- are not bad at all every other day now, soft stools so that's a blessing. By the way if your pain gets worse you don't have to wait for your weekly meeting you can tell the radiation nurses daily and they will send you to see a nurse.

    Still eating ok no issues in that department. 

    Well that's my second week over and done with LOVE the weekends where I don't have to go to hospital or take tablets. Just done the weekly shop, put spicy pork pillaf in the slow cooker for tea and my pear koperburgs In the cold fridge. I have not asked if it's ok or not to drink read all the leaflets in my tabletboxes nothing on there? Anyway I am having 2 cold drinks with ice don't think that is going to hurt!

    3rd week!!!!!

    Monday 5th June 2017

    Oh what an ordeal this morning! Appointment for radiation 8.30 so up at 6.15. Had to go alone this morning but no issue at all it's the first time I have had to go alone. I must stress that had I been in a position where I really had no family or friends to help me through this, doing the daily run for radiotherapy everyday would have easily been doable on my own. I have not felt any different or had any reactions afterwards where I have thought ooh I am glad someone is driving me. However again the side effects do differ on people so this is obviously my experiance. 

    My bowels rsfused to empty before going to the hospital so drank my water to make sure my bladder was full and off I went. I would like to add that you will break wind a lot? Or I do anyway, sometimes you don't even feel it coming and then there it is loud, long farting!! I know it's gross but even if you do have any dignity left at this point it will go out of the window!! 

    My daughter and husband just make light of it by going "mum really, was that you? ". I have also noticed sometimes a clear jelly like mucus coming from my back passage too (something to mention to my nurse )

    So there I was on the radiation table nearly done 2 men and a girl today got me already on the table your onlly exposed to a certain degree where they have tattooed you. Nearly finished radiation And i broke wind but instantly felt a ripple and rumble and thought OMG my bowels have gone!! 

    I couldn't believe it I was devastated, all 3 of them trotted in to help me off the table I said "please no can just the girl come in I have had an accident", I was mortified I broke down in tears and felt so embarrassed The girl was lovely she reassured me that they deal with this all the time and not to worry. 

    So she proceeded to get blue gloves on to clean me up but when I moved they was nothing there. I must have passed some of this mucus and thought it was diarrhoea OMG I cried again as I was so relived but felt a right plonker making such a fuss .

    So as I am getting into my 3rd week. Area around my bottom is size of a 50p and raw!! Hurts to touch , and sometimes if I sit too quick on it. Hurts the most after going to toilet because that's where it is so after having BM I have to basically wipe the raw sore area, makes my eyes water that is for sure. It's not a constant pain so even though I was asked today if needed painkillers I said no because I don't and I am not trying to be brave. The sponge they have given me has a yellow mucus on it when I am changing it so it must draw all the yucky stuff out of the open wound so not to cause infection.  

    BM - going more or less everyday at some point, soft stools but I am still in control thank goodness.

    Eating/ Appetite- fine no worries at all. 

    Fatigue - Not really not through the day but ready for bed 8pm. Everyone keeps telling me it will hit me this week ???? So let's see. 

    Monday 5th June 2017 pm

    What a difference a few hours can make- wrote earlier post about 10.30am were now nearly 6pm. Have been to the toilet 5 times already and if I am not having BM,s then I am leeking this gooey stuff. My ass is sore enough can do without this. Am going to get the nurses to look tomorrow.

    Done absolutely nothing all day have had zero energy, just had a warm bath and a really good look down there so sore at the moment. Looking at my vagina it feels quite dry but sort of sticky when you put skin on skin on the inside so my labia is stuck to the rest of my vagina so you almost can't even tell I have them. I had to do a second look at first but they were there and I can sort of peel them back into shape.

    Hey I know this is pretty gross stuff but I was worried that they might stick back permanently I will ask the nurse tomorrow if there is enyghinv I should be doing. I had a pretty good spontaneous sex life prior to this and I want that back in the future!! Oh well over and out for now as I am pooped.

    Tuesday 6th June 2017.

    So a crappy morning this morning, immediately after waking I had to more or less lay back down on the bed. My heart was beating fast, I felt hot and like I was going to faint. Everything was a struggle eating my breakfast(that was cooked for me) , getting dressed etc, I had zero energy it took me three hours to get ready for my daily hospital visit. 

    Gets to hospital and delay with my machine had to wait an hour with full bladder, not easy! Yes I could have emptied it but then would have had to fill it again and wAit at least half hour. You need a full bladder before each radiation treatment. 

    It was the same team as yesterday so I apologised for my wobble that I had yesterday when I thought I had pooped we had a giggle about it then I had my treatment. I asked if I could see a nurse so was directed around to main reception and after a short wait went into a treatment room. 

    She checked the wound and said yes it's sore but she was not concerned about any infection and I am to keep using the cavity filler sponge as that will draw any badness from it. Where the area is broken is the area where my AIN leison was so it makes me wonder if the skin would have broken there had I not been sensitive in that area anyway???

    I asked about my lady bits which are dry and going a very dark colour I asked if I should lather them with the aqueous cream and was told no! It's only to wash down there with (soap substitute) I was given a barrier cream called cavilon so I will try this.

    I explained it wasn't a constant pain but very painful when I had a BM so was also given some instillagel in a shringe to slightly put up into my bottom before a BM. This will sting to start but then numb making it easier. I explained that because I went in total 5 times yesterday and it was painful that I had taken my diarrhoea tablets this morning. I was advised not to take them unless I had diarrhoea as it could make me constipated and this will be far more painful so no more tablets. 

    I was advised to take normal painkillers even though the pain was not constant so that when the pain does come it won't be as bad! (Arggg more tablets) so well stocked with more medicines off I go. 

    I had arranged to go meet my good friend for lunch and pushed myself and kept to it. I am glad I did she cheered me up no end. Home for 3pm but shattered now can't even be bothered to cook tea!! Might see if my husband wants to treat me to a take away. 

    Had a lovely bath I have one everynight but it's not a good idea to have it too hot or soak too long. I love red hot baths but unfortunately your ladybits are just too sensitive to have the water too hot. Be gentle also when drying down there just dab dry rather than rubbing. 

    I always get a shower before I go for my daily radiation as it is important that you are clean in that area and free of creams 

    Have put my new barrier cream on all over (apart from the broken skin) and noticed I am losing a lot of my pubic hair  I am not bothered whatsoever. In order to keep my cavity filler in my bum cheeks I have to wear knickers but I am going knicker-less for a few hours. So currently laid on top of the bed naked and have instructed no one enters without knocking first as I have my legs akimbo. 

    Oh and I got my takeaway too 

    Wednesday 7th June 2017

    Ok so I am getting really sore now!!!! The broken skin is now just an area of raw skin that's weeping and it hurts like hell. So I am on pain killers as well now paracetamol and ibroprofen. I am still mobile but it hurts to sit on it and my underwear is bothersome. 

    I have had a bit of a binge on peanut brunch bars but let me tell you I am paying for it now. Every little bit of peanut passing through me in my stools is like shards of glass owch!!! 

    I thought I was doing so well considering the treatment I am going through but am starting to feel sorry for myself now. Had an emotional night last night and tears this morning. So fed up even the chore of the hospital visit is getting me down now. 

    This is the week prior to my monthly period so not sure if that's why I am feeling this way but I am praying that I do not have a period at the end of next week. I have been told they may stop straight away but also I might have 1 , 2 more. I have also been told not to worry the staff are used to it but I am sorry I won't be having to get on that radiation table with a bloody sanitary towel on I will be mortified.

    10 more Zapps to go I can't wait for it to be over. - APart from my sore bottom and emotional state everything else is ok so I should think myself lucky people are going through a lot more than me at this stage .

    Friday 9th June 2017

    So glad it's the weekend and I can have a break from treatment, tablets, visits really sore over the last 2 days even my lady garden is so sore now. Skin seams to be coming off my vagina wall and just at the opening starting to see blisters. Hurts to pee, hurts to wear underwear just bloody hurts.

    Had my appointment with my onc yesterday she is lovely she had a real good look and said I was doing really well to not have many side effects as I could have more than the obvious sore broken skin. I don't feel like I am doing well I don't even recognise my lady garden, it's dark brown and just looks horrendous, think I also now have cystitis so trying to drink cranberry juice.

    I have been taking paracetamol and ibroprofen now every 4 hours for the pain but I was prescribed liquid morpheme yesterday which I picked up this morning. It's there if it gets worse which it obviously is going to.

    Went to bed at 8pm last night, I am knackered by this time but woke up st 12.30am. Came downstairs and slept on and of on the couch, went to bed at dinner time today and woke at 3pm.

    Can't imagine anouther 8 days of zapping willing 21st June  to arrive but it is going quick . Well off for a warm bath that's the only time my lady bits feel at ease. 

    Sunday 11th June 2017

    WOW- pain from my lady garden is excruciating I had to call the number given to me for my out of hours problems which puts you through to the hospital. They advised me to take the morphine as that's what it's there for. I explained I was not sure if it's thrush or skin from inside my vagina as it's just completely raw inside. It's itching and burning when I pee. He advised if I thought it was thrush I could call out of hours gp line who may prescribe me some antibiotics or who may advise me to hang on until Monday as I am seeing my onc then. 

    I have decided to hang on Until tomorrow can't bear anyone touching it, the morphine has taken the edge off  . This morning when I woke I managed to come downstairs and get some breakfast. But because I hadn't had any pain relief through the night it was so bad I thought I was going to pass out. 

    If I know I need a wee then I stand in the shower with warm not hot water from the shower head directed on my floo this seams to ease it, however sometimes I can't feel the sensation to go. 

    I have packed a bag for hospital it's the first time I hVe thought about doing it I just can't imagine this pain getting worse which it obviously will do. I will see what they say tomorrow 

    Wednesday 14th June 2017 

    sorry or no post for a while but I have been out of it since Monday really. Went to see my doctors and nurses who took a look at the burning in vagina. 

    My nurse said it is quite bad and you can tell it's internally too so have been given, more CAVITY WALL filler for vagina, because you can't apply creams. Also been given slow release morphine tablets every 12 hours but boy the knocked me for 6 if I weren't asleep I the spot then I looked like I was nodding was also nauseous all day that was the worse. In bed for a few hours and have been same today in bed since 12 massive headache.

    It's defo eased the pain which is great but making me feel yhkky in other areas.

    BM - haven't had one since last Friday , I am taking movicol might need to increase amount of sachets I have.

    Appetite - gone out of the window. Yesterday all I had was weetabix in morn, and weetabix and a banana for tea. 

    All I have had today is weetabix, 2 slices of toast some grapes and yogurt and loads of juice .

    Started my period today when I got back into changing room so will see how that pans out . For obvious reasons you can't wear tampax so sanitary towels only xx

    Saturday 17th June 2017

    Again very slow of the mark with posts this week due to my mental state and treatment progression . 

    From Monday evening after they gave me the slow release morphine for the pain (which has done its job) I have been on a rollercoaster of a ride and have just felt so crap. Sometimes I just feel out of it so go to bed, I can't eat really struggling what I do get down is forced.

    Just no desire for food and if I have cooked it then there is no chance of me eating it. Today I have had weetabix this morning, a pear for lunch  and o cooked a beef curry for tea but no chance I was eating it. I had a nutrient drink so that with the sickness feeling I have felt  crap.

    After Thursday review I was told that I needed to empty my bowels before Monday otherwise I would have to be booked in for some assistance, didn't want any of that  so when I got home took some extra lactose which helped however, However i have diarrhoea now so took a diarrhoea tablets to try slow it down .

    Been in bed all day today got up at tea time just felt sickly I am lucky my mum has had my daughter all weekend so i can do nothing if I want to x

    Mon, tue, wed next week and that's it treatment over . I will be able to ring the bell in the hospital can't wait x

    Tuesday 20th June 2017

    Well again bit slow of the mark with post due to me feeling so up and down. 

    Since Saturday Sunday wasn't a bad day managed to stay up but was in bed early, still not eating very much and still have diarrhoea. Pain quite intense mostly in my vagina where there are lots of  blisters, broken skin every thing it touches just rubs it, as I am on my monthly period have to wear sanitary towels not nice at all and not helping me in the pain department .

    Still taking my slow release morphine in total 90ml a day . This makes me quite spaced out at times and not in control which I hate.

    Monday I had my weekly appt with onc who had a really good look she even commented that it was really sore and got someone else to have a look. The nurse said yes not plesent at all but that's what is expected. 

    So I was offered to increase my dose of morphine which I refused as I have stated I don't like the feeling I get from it. I think they think I am trying to be tough but I really not but I have gone from someone who never takes tablets to if they had there way I would be taking 22 a day and it's not plesent. I have promised to top up if neede though with oral morphine. 

    Had my radiation which again is getting more difficult because there is a wax piece that sits between your bum cheeks and shimming down on to it is excruciating when that's where the broken skin is. Came home didn't eat much and went to bed from 3pm slept all day . 

    Today again had radiation, again painfull. Bowel movements starting to settle.managed to stay up today but it's 8pm and off to bed. Can't wait tomorrow is the last day of radiation YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

    Thursday 22nd June- Treatment over!

    Well yesterday was my last day of radiation, last day of chemo tablets and last day of daily visits to hospital, PHEW!! 

    So relieved, I can really start to look after myself now and not have to worry about getting up and ready for daily visits. I can take time to recover. I have been warned that even though no more radiation the effects continue for 2 weeks. 

    I was up 5 times last night changing my dressing on my vagina and bottom. I am leaking this clear sticky, smelly liquid from both ends which I have told is normal but it makes me really uncomfortable so it wakes me up.

    Had a nice bath this morning and had a look down there. And I can see 2 new blisters on the other side of my bottom hole that up until now was ok. This shows that the radiation is still doing its thing. 

    After bath I went back to bed for an hour (lovely) this has been something I have looked forward to after the daily appointments finished.

    I have an appointment today with my onc, who will now inform me what happens, how often I will need Togo in and see them etc. It's going to be weird not seeing someone daily. I must remember to send some thank you cards as everyone at the hospital has been great. I know it's there job. It I want to let them know there doing a great job. I have noticed over the last week or so I have really dry mouth all the time I have tone drinking water all the time.

    I am hoping that now I am not taking chemotsetd that my appetite may come back but just taking one day at a time.

    Well I will keep on updating when I have something to report so bye for now. 

    Monday 26th June

    Hi I will be doing an update later as I have had a terrible week. 

    Tuesday 27th June 2017

    Wow what an absolute horrendous week I have had, the worst week throuout this whole experiance. So it's been nearly a week since my treatment finished and I have to say I feel  completely abandoned . When I finished treatment last week I was not sat down and told what would happen from now on, no discussion about what to expect regarding my Skin, no one checked if I had enough dressings or anything I was just told I wood be seenby my onc Thu 29th that's this week.

    So last Friday I had ran out of dressings so I attempted to start ringing all of the numbers givento me during my treatment starting with my 4 research nurse numbers. I have to say I could get hold of anyone during my treatment but could not get hold of any of them, there were no answers machines to leave msg on. So I tried my mac millan nurses, I don't expect them to be sat by the phone but again no joy but I was able to leave a msg.

    Called the bleep holder number couldn't get through eventually got hold of someone who told me my research nurses had moved offices d they hadn't been set up on answer machine but that they would get someone to ring me. Eventually my mac millan nurse came back to me and advised she would send a fax to my DR.

    Collected 1 box of dressings that has 10 in however I was using around 6 a day as I was now waking up in the night having to change my dressings as they were just sodden with all this gunky stuff coming from both of my lady gardens front And back. 

    Sunday night I woke up had ran out so had to wash some used ones out. Yuk. Yesterday morning I woke up and rang my doctors straight away who said no problem. They would dome a repeat prescription I could collect after 1pm, so meanwhile I laid on my bed with a towel between my legs.

    1pm came husband came home and said pharmacist have to order it and if would be 24 hours. I couldn't believe it. I called my local hospitals who have pharmacist and I asked could I bring there, both said no there dressings were for their patients and I had to go through my DR/GP I explained I had done that but had to wait 24 hours for them to order them, anyway no joy so came of the phone frustrated and upset. 

    My husband said he was happy to travel to Leeds (where I have had my treatment and collect some) I said I would call ahead to check. Same process again could not get hold of any of my research numbers still no answering machine. At this point I was really upset the prospect of going through the day leaking with towels in between my legs and the evening was beyond comprehension. I tried 2 mac millan nurses no joy, so rang the radiation department.

    A nurse answered on the phone and I explained my situation that I had to go 24 hours with no dressings, her response completely flawed me.

    She advised me that she couldnt send any out or have my husband collect them as the hospital would then be short and its for the patients on the wards. I said "well am I not a patient" her response was no not an in patient and they just can't give these dressings out like that . I was so angry and upset on the phone I was crying my eyes out, in a lot of pain and dis/comfort.

    I said "is this my after care then sitting in my own fluids with a towel between my legs" she kept saying dont get upset we can sort it I know it's frustrating, I was fuming. She said you can't have the right dressings if your going through that many I said I have no idea no one is coming to see me to look if it's right or wrong. 

    Again she asked to calm down and stop getting upset and asked if I could get over to Leeds I said yes and my husband took me. This is all happening on the worst week possible the pain from my inside and outside my vagina has gone through the roof I was so sore I was drinking that much morphine and taking other pain relief on top of my morphine tablets that I was. Being violenly sick. I wasn't eating, sleeping very well and it was the week where I needed people but felt like there was no one there for me st all. 

    My emotions were running so high, my husband got me to Leeds in 25 mins  even the nurse said that was quick. 

    I saw the same nurse I spoke to on the phone and immediately burst into tears, I explains I didn't feel I should have to be ringing around hospitals and DR for dressings needed for my wounds. She calmed me down and had a look and said yes the dressings your using are not right. She gave me new dressings which were thinner and easer to cram into the area that I needed it.

    She went on to explain then that the horrible smelly mucus that's coming out is actually protein and it is helping the wounds. She explained that she underdoon I would just want to wash it out daily which I had been doing, but that I needed to ease up on bathing and let this stuff  do its job at repairing me from the inside out.

    She also looked and said that in the creases where my underwear sits that skin looks like it's going to break too so have me some other dressings to stop clothing chaffing on it! 

    How hard was that for someone to sit me down and explain things ??? This info should have been given to me at the end of treatment. She packed me off with 3 rolls of new dressings (so they can give it out) and off I went. Last night I slept all the way through and today managed to stay out off bed all day and although I am still in pain am so much more comfortable.

    So my worse week so far, I have a few questions for my  onocologist in terms of what I should expect from my aftercare and will update after Thursday.

    Tuesday 4th July 2017

    Well am nearly 2 weeks post treatment. Things are starting to heal nicely my nether regions are a lovely pink colour where new skin has formed and no longer sore. I don't think I have healed properly on the inside yet as I am still leaking mucus from both ends so still using dressings.

    My bowel movements are erratic and painful I feel like I am giving birth to a baby elephant every morning but to be honest my motions are not that big so I am thinking my anal canal has shrunk with treatment. I spent an hour on the toilet this morning because I have to go at home I have to be near a toilet because ones I feel the need to go I can't hold it.

    Reduced my intake to morphine also but the main issue for me is tiredness at the moment, I no sooner wake and I have to go lie down again have snoozed  3 times today already and have zero energy. To say what I have been through all in all everything going in the right direction 

    8 Weeks Post Treatment and feeling almost back to my old self! 

    So it's been 8 weeks now and I am practically back to my old self! Cooking, cleaning doing everything I did before the cancer! The only thing I have not done is gone back to work yet or attended a social event but this is purely because I don't want to. 

    The only issue I have at the moment is the menapause symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes lack of sleep. I am tired all day but as soon as I go to bed can't sleep sometimes for 2/3 hours. I am then waking up every couple of hours wet from sweating and tossing and turning. I have however started with HRT yesterday so I am hoping this goes as dont fancy starting back at work full time with little sleep through the night. 

    Bowel movements are everyday and have settled down not so much painful anymore. Depends what I eat as to how many times I go. Fruit makes me go more than once a day. 

    Back to having a normal sex life with my husband was given some dialators to use as the vigina can shorten, but just did it the natural way from 5th week onwards. Sometimes there is slight discomfort mainly because I am so dry down there, but otherwise everything normal. 

    Will be starting back at work on the 30th August so I do hope my HRT has kicked in. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bowcat

    Are you in the UK? I ask because I am newly diagnosed and waiting for a start date for chemo and rad...but I think I remember hearing someone say (they havent officially told me when treatment will start yet and everything is still a blurry bad dream!) I would have to be in hosp for 3 or 4 days for the chemo? Im dreading that as know I wont be able to sleep etc. Did you have an option of tablet instead? Hope it's still going well for you? It's so frightening isn't it. Penny

  • FormerMember

    Hi penny,

    Yes am in the U.K.

    At first I was told I would have a pic line inserted in and up my arm with chemo released into it but that I could go home with the line in and then after a week the pic line would be removed.

    Just before treatment started I was told this was not the case I would be given 1 of the chemo into my vein (no hospital stay) and hen I would take chemo tablets at home morning and evening.

    I am taking part In a trial though so not sure if that's why things have changed? The trial means I have a week less of. Chemo/radio.

    Maggie xx

  • FormerMember

    Wish I could shoulder some of this for you, Bowcat. You're a trouper - everyone affected is. Good luck. In my thoughts and prayers x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maggie..judt want to say you go girl! And thank you for taking time to post your following closely as i am seeing oncologists next fri and then starting chemo and rad shortly..i hope...after that. I hope i can have the type of chemo you can have at home as dreading being in hosp...tho when i saw consultant at hosp on wed this week he said tablet form of chemo..but the surgeon who did my biopsy said 3 days in hosp for it....guess il find out on Friday! If you are up to it please update when you can as its so informative. Big hug to you hun.Penny

  • FormerMember

    Hi penny,

    Thank you for taking the time to read. I know for me personally I had so many questions in my head, the onocologist on my 1st meeting explained the side effects and I was really scared. I know now that they give you the worse case scenario.

    I just thought it may be useful for people to be able to see some real life results of the treatment. We have to remember though we are all different, I am private messaging s lovely lady on here who started on the exact day day as me as we thought it would be comforting to have someone to actually share the experiance with, who is actually going through it.

    This lady is slightly older than me and had her chemo fed through a Hickman line so is not taking the tablets but she is really struggling with eating, appetite, and sore mouth so just shows you how side effects differ.

    Not sure if I am doing the blog right as I am doing it all as 1 script so when I am done people can just go inand read the whole thing but I will keep posting.

    Take care x