1 minute read time.

Hi guys! I need some guidance. My doctors want me to start REALLY thinking about preventative surgeries. I want you guy's opinion on my whole situation. Okay...two years ago I lost my mom to Triple Negative Breast Cancer, she was only 57 years old. They found some lesions on her liver which led them to finding the breast cancer (which turned out to be triple negative). She fought really hard for two horrible months and then she was gone. I was only 17 years old at the time, and I took her death really hard. Her doctors were so unprepared and shocked by her death; they had never seen a case like hers. After her death, I was bombarded by her doctors begging me to get tested for some gene I had never heard about. A couple months ago the test results came back positive, and now I'm being bombarded again. My doctor wants me to have a mastectomy and an oophorectomy, but I'm hesitant. I just finished my first year in college and I'm no where near getting married or having kids (even though I want them in the future). I want you guys thoughts on my predicament. My mother's death gave me an advantage over cancer, and I want to make sure I use it as much as I can. However, I also don't want to make any rash decisions that I would come to regret. Thank you all for the support!  

  • FormerMember

    Morning mikjohn98

    So sorry to read about losing your mum and your BRCA1 positive  :(

    This is tough to get your head around at any age but you are so young to have this discovered - only consolation is this HAS been found.

    There is a BRCA Group here (link) you should join - Then create a New Discussion and copy your text into it.

    The regular members there will get back to you with experiences and opinions and can pass on other information for you to help get your head around what risk reducing treatments are available.

    Hope this helps for now, take care, G n' J