Signing the stuff

1 minute read time.

Today I have been to the hospital to sign the consent forms and deal with the associated paperwork.This of course includes a description of a terryfying list of side effects (including death!) and which therefore cheered me up no end. I did get a cup of what can only be described as an apology for drinking chocolate which was tepid but was at least devoid of taste.

I was swabbed (hairline and nose), the nurse commenting that I wouldn't have a hairline much longer, which was nice of her! I was also provided with body wash and nasal spray and reminded of the delights of the insertion, upkeep and eventual removal of the Hickman line.

I have to say the Hickman line is the worst thing about the whole procedure for me, I don't like having it inserted in my neck, pulled under the skin of my chest or dangling out of me for months, maybe I'm just to sensitive about the whole thing, I dunno.

I am looking forward to being reunited with my stem cells, which have been in icy isolation for the last three years. I hope they are ok, I'm relying on those guys to keep me alive, and to make me smell of sweetcorn for the first couple of days after our reunion.

Thats all for today, but in the words of the Governator, I'll be back!
