Prostate cancer

1 minute read time.

Prostate cancer never go for surgery without looking at all options discuss fully with partner . Side effects of surgery affect your life for ever and should not be taken lightly. The word cancer is very frightening but decisions concerning treatment should not be rushed. After having surgery you could be told you need more treatment (radio therapy) because some of the cancer has been left in your body and is no longer contained with in your prostate.that is very cruel but necessary treatment if this happens . Life is never a bed of roses but it could be slightly less stressful. The most upsetting thing about having prostate removal is you never know if your partner is finding you sexual attractive (unless you opt for nerve sparing 

during surgery which might help the penis with erection) because there is not even a slight feeling of erection of the penis when you cuddle each other, closeness doesn't seem so intimate

  Our minds and body are connected and we know about the harms that stress and anxiety can bring perhaps we should all except that hopefully prostate cancer treatment will rid the body of that condition and normal (what ever that is) life will start again
