Singing, expressing the unexpressible

1 minute read time.

I've mentioned that I play the ukulele. It's become one of life's pleasures. I have no formal musical training and it has been quite challenging to learn to play *and* sing at the same time.

I have a few songs on the go (learning and improving) at the moment, and one I love is Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". I sing it in a gentle style at the high end of my vocal range and with a very simple ukulele strum... I think this suits the mood of the song. Here's a link to a recording I made recently:

Other songs I'm enjoying at the moment include Something Stupid, There Is A Vine (I shared an early effort in The Scrapbook), Follow (Richie Havens) and Sprig Of Thyme (vocal only, as sung by Coope Boyes and Simpson). Most of the songs are quite melancholy and forlorn as that's how I feel a lot of the time, and singing them helps release the emotions that I find hard to express in other ways.

There may come a time when the cancer prevents my singing. I hope that doesn't happen but, while I still can, I make the most of every opportunity to sing, be it at home with my ukulele or among friends at choir.

Until next time.
