Not sure what to do or how to calm myself to not worry

1 minute read time.
Hi guys,
Sorry this is a selfish post about me worrying I have something like cancer, when I know a lot of you do actually have this, so apologises. 
I have been refered to an ENT by my thyroid specialist as she believes the pain in my throats, the sensation of feeling something is stuck and the problem of struggling to breathe is an "inside" throats issue not an "outside" throats issue like the thyroid.
Basically, I'm only 19 and the words endoscopy, cancer really terrify me. I did the stupid thing of looking on the internet and stressed myself to the point I thought I had 3different problems. My friends mum who's a doctor, recommended me to talk on here to put down my feelings. 
I feel like I'm an invalid to my family, as I don't work, I'm in a lot of pain, I've been to A&E 5times due to severe chest pains and strangling sensation, but the issue is I feel like I'm making my symptoms up or that no one believes me because all the test results come back clear and don't get me wrong that is great but when you feel as rubbish as I do and you get told you're fine, it destroys you because you just give up.
If anyone has any advice or wants to tell me to suck it up and deal with it please be my guest. I hope anyone who reads this who's struggling with cancer or with someone who has it doesn't think badly of me for writing down my concerns and don't think I'm being selfish.
Thank you
  • Hi LittlerJ,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're so worried, but this is a great place to come and talk, perhap you might even find yourself helping ohers just by being able to empathise with them. We get lots of people come to this forum - some it just turns out to be a false alarms, others sometimes need treatment. All are welcome and appreciated. Taking your health seriously, and having the perseverence to get it sorted is far from selfish, it's sometihng to be applauded.

    Most of the stories of diagnosis are long ones, eliminating possible causes until perhaps only cancer is left. It doesn't sound as if you're at that stage yet - still lots of investigation to do.

    I've had an endoscopy and it was fine, I freaked out a bit at the thought of it, but the nurses were great, and it was over in minutes. For me they did a second pass, and I think that shows how well they did, I didn't worry or object the second time!

    If you have any questions we'll do our best to answer, perhaps find someone who's ahd the same procedure, and if we don't know an answer we can help find out.

    Let me offer you your first community hug (((  ))), we wish people didn't have to come here, but we're glad you found us,
