How rare is a struma ovarii

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone. I had an ovarian large cyst removed in a hysterectomy. I was initially told just a germ cell tumor that had hair teeth and other tissue in it. That was benign and everything was ok. However several months later I was sent an appointment from the thyroid clinic to have a scan. Apparantley this tumor was found to be a rare tumor called a struma ovarii  which was made up of over 50 % thyroid tissue in which they found follicular cancer in it the fatty tissue they had removed and other items they had removed  since then 2 years of appointments total thyroidectomy. 2 lots of radio iodine treatment loads of scans blood tests etc. I haven't come across anyone else who has been diagnosed. Anyone had it knows of someone who has. Think only a handful world wide a year get diagnosed.  Feeling a little isolated. Nothing really known about outcome survival rate  etc any help greatly apreciated can private message or post on blog. I have trawled the Internet and just basic what it is or a couple of medical journals which didnt tell me a lot. Suffer with fibromyalgia diabetes and osteoporosis arthritis so feel tired all the time have had to cut hours at work as falling asleep while talking to people. I don't know what is normal anymore if you can please share any info

