Just a message to show my appreciation to everyone that are fighting cancer or have fought cancer in their lives.

Less than one minute read time.

I am a 32 year old male who was diagnosed with skin cancer September 2016. I have since had it removed and my scar is still visible but ok. During the time that I was diagnosed, I was sick to my stomach with fear and anxiety, just wondering how I would get through it and stay hopeful of living a happy life. But then I met some amazing people on here who were there for me when I needed them most for which I am truly grateful for. I want to say to anyone else out there fighting cancer that you are all superhuman's, you are taking on this sh*t day after day, pulling through the hardest times in your lives and I think you all need an absolute medal for doing this. People like you give inspiration to everyone in this world that you can fight this and get through the hardest time in life. Stay strong and keep fighting, you are not alone, we are all in this together and we will not let it beat us! Love to you all!

  • FormerMember

    I agree with your sentiments and would extend it to supportive partners who often have as much, if not more, to endure than we patients. We are the centre of attention in all of this and I suspect our partners often plumb the depths of despair - with loneliness thrown in for good measure - without our being fully aware of it.

    You're quite right : there are some incredible people on these threads coping with some difficult situations. I wish there was a way of helping each and every one of them.