Heamotolggy appointment

Less than one minute read time.

So after been referred by my GP and having to phone to remind them about my 'fast track' appointment as I hadn't heard anything I was told my appointment had been posted out 'today'. It was only 9:30am! So probably forgot, I was at my first appointment with my heamotologist 2 weeks after federal was sent by my GP. He was lovely. Asked me some questions: have you lost weight?, do you get night sweats? Do you suffer with fatigue? To which the answer was yes to all. Whilst he examined me for swollen lymphnodes in my arm pits and groin he asked me who I had at home. I always over analyse but this really did make me think he suspected the worse to be asking about my children. 

He explained I needed further tests and would be getting bloods today, a full body scan and a biopsy of the lump in my neck. 

He said he would see me again in 8 weeks... 8 weeks seems so far away but explained if anything comes back from the tests which requires a quicker appointment he would be in touch. So my next appointment is May 2nd 2016.
