I'm still here

Less than one minute read time.

Almost 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with a sarcoma, abdominal cancer.  I was told from the beginning it was incurable.  I have tumors peppered throughout my abdomen.  I am blessed (if there is such a thing)  that none are in my vital organs.  

I did surgery, tried chemo (made me very ill).  Made my arrangements and purchased my headstone.  A year ago friends told me of a juice called Xango that has been helping cancer patients,  I tried it and although the tumors have not shrunk, they have softened and changed texture.  My energy is slowly returning.  

I have had all the emotions:  denial, anger, depression.  I have decided to live my life as well as I can.  I still do have down times, I let myself go through them and move on.

I have been open about my cancer from the very beginning.  Anyone can ask me anything.
