My father

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Hi I'm new to this site.My lovely father has today been diagnosed with lung cancer.Im heart broken as my dad is the most wonderful dad anyone could have.He has been here for my children & I when ever we have needed him. (Both my mum&dad have been here for me).so it's mine&my children's time to be their for both my parents and to support them at this hard time.

  • FormerMember

    I think the best advice anyone has given me was to just be there and not treat him with kid gloves!!! Take your time and take each day as it comes, breath through it, cry, smile or scream, AND most importantly talk to people whether its fri or family or strangers like us. 

    Keep strong 

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for the advice.Im now waiting for a call to find out my dad's options.Dreading the call to be honest.Im so glad I found this site as like you say sometimes it's easier to talk to strangers.xx