Axillary Clearance Done

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Well I am back home following my axillary clearance surgery on Saturday - the hospital staff were so lovely, every single one of them, and as I had to stay in overnight due to my ridiculously low blood pressure, I met quite a few.

It was strange as I spent almost five hours in recovery - apparently the ward won't accept you until your BP is above a certain number - but there was music playing and the recovery nurses have to be some of the happiest people in the hospital.

I feel okay at the moment and each time I feel that resentment of not being myself trying to creep in and ruin my day, I ward it off.  Whatever awaits me now will need me to be as strong as I can for it so I'm really going to try and be positive (although I get fed up when others tell me to be!!!!)

Any advice on how to keep myself from the horrible side effects are most welcome!

Hannah x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Marie50

    Pleased to read it seems your surgery went OK, as clearances go.

    You may feel a bit down for a few more from the slightly depressive side effects of the annaesthetic.

    You could try asking about post clearance surgery advice from the ladies in the Main Breast Group ? Do mention which side effects are bothering you the most though :)

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery, G n' J