1 minute read time.

I had no idea where to put this, as it doesn't really fit into any of the groups on site. But then, I guess I don't really fit into any one group on site.

Today is a bad day.

I was all geared up for yesterday, expecting to be called by the Hysteroscopy nurse to tell me how we are going to proceed with treating the womb cancer and what my biopsy showed - but she never called. So I'm still in limbo, not sure what's going on inside of me and with no plan on how to fix it.

I was all geared up yesterday to go to the dermatologist and to be told that the moles were all fine, and that they were just aging like the rest of me - but that's not what he said. Instead, he is concerned by one of them and so I need to have it removed and sent off to the lab to see if there is anything untoward going on with it.

Since Sunday I've been having stabbing headaches on the verge of a migraine.

Today my hip has started to ache like it is being stabbed slowly with a red hot poker - causing a deep, unsettled feeling of nausea.

And now? I've just been to the toilet and found myself bleeding quite heavily. I have the coil fitted. I'm on oral progesterone. I should not be bleeding.

I've called to try and speak to my Gynae team, and they are being sought out. But no call back yet.

I'm sore.

I'm miserable.

I'm fed up.

Bring on the Indian Rice Stick snacks!

  • FormerMember

    Hiya, I haven't read your blog since my darling daughter was claimed by her Leiomiosarcoma last July. Her diagnosis was too late for anything but palliative care, and they never did get to grips with her pain.

    I can't but be reminded of her when I read your blog. Like you, she was incredibly brave. I don't know how you cancer sufferers bear it all.

    She was a lover of life and people, always looking for a reason to laugh or smile.

    You show an incredible strength and sense of humour.

    Keep writing: you're an inspiration,

    Lots of love from



  • Well lots of love and a big hug from me, I'm hoping that you hear back from your teams today and get a plan of action.

    What about a wee sing song to cheer you up? belt your favourite out at the top of your lungs,

    Lots of love


  • Hi Lass,

    There is a womb cancer group where you will find people who have similar experiences and will know more of what you are going through. And do call the helpline if you need to talk to someone. In the meantime, sending hugs xx

  • Maggimay Nice to hear from you again, though I'm so sorry to hear of your daughter's passing. She sounds like an amazing person, and a real credit to you. Finding the smile in every day is 100% the best way to live, as it's sometimes the smallest of things that can lighten the darkest times. So being able to make fun of the crap, to enable you to smile is definitely the way I'm doing it.

    Arla Tom - the meningioma - is playing up, so no loud noises or singing. Which is why I'm tempted to go out in the street to pop the football that's being slammed against all the walls up and down the street..... Heard back from the womb team pretty much the second I hit post on the above. Seems they didn't take a sample of the polyps, just the lining - even though Ireminded them the cancer was just in the polyps before. So the lining is still atypical, but we've no idea how bad the polyps are, because they didn't take a damn sample from them! I'm so not impressed right now, as it means the Hysteroscopy was a waste of time. So she's off to talk to the consultant to see what she suggests - so it will either be a stripping of the whole womb again via hysteroscopy/pipelle, then waiting 3 months before another hysteroscopy to have a look and a biopsy. Or it will just be a wait 3 months and check again.

    LoobyLou49 Hey Linda, I've chatted in the womb group before, but my treatment is a brand spanking new one that no-one else there has had yet. And as I was having a rant about the brain tumour, and the secondary bone cancer, and a possible cencerous mole, and the womb cancer - I felt it didn't really fit in any one group. :D But thanks for popping in!