
5 minute read time.

I'm sure there are a few single folks out there, both old and young alike, as well as those of us in the middle somewhere. I'm also sure, that everyone is single for very different reasons to one another that cover the full spectrum of emotions and circumstances. I'm also sure, that we're all bombarded every single day with images and messages that tell us that being alone is wrong, and that we need another person there in our lives to feel complete, to be seen as a success. Well, I'd like to know why? Why does our ability to find someone, to keep them, and live out our lives with them matter to anyone but us?

I was having a chuckle at my psych appointment the other day, because she was talking about primitive man and what he'd have needed to have survived. I came up with food, shelter, and other people - but the other people was purely a practial thing. That having others meant a division of labour, and a more successful hunting party. But she'd taken my answer to mean companionship and the continuation of the species. I hadn't even thought of companionship as being something necessary to survive - not from another human at least. That's why I have cats! They give me more joy than any human ever has done before in my life.

And yet, sometimes, I do feel like I should have someone else there in my life. More often than not it's a practical thing, where I want someone who will compliment me by being able to do the things I can't. Especially just now with being ill and all that comes with it. Having someone else who could do the housework, the cooking, the shopping, the practical things would be amazing. But then, that's not really wanting someone for them. That's more like wanting staff. >.> Probably not the best reason to go into the whole world of dating that one huh? But then there are those times when you feel like a burden to your friends, or the third wheel at gatherings, or the failure at family events. Then you begin to wonder what exactly is wrong with you and why no-one wants you asa partner? Why can't you find someone? And then you want someone special, someone who would be there for you, and would care for you, and whom you could care for in return. Someone who you wouldn't feel like a burden to when you had things to talk about and unload, and someone who would be able to unload to you without fear of judgement or irritation. And again, that's where you wonder - but why does no-one want me?

Then, certainly for me, you realise you're not in your teens anymore. You're not even in your 20's anymore. And you've got baggage - boy do you have baggage. Everything has moved on, or more accurately, online. Attitudes have changed, for the worse imo. And you're totally at a loss as to what's going on out there, and feel like a complete dinosaur. In essence, and in theory, I have absolutely no problems with online dating. I'm signed up to a site, I have some pics up, I have my profile all filled out, and I get messages from folks here and there..... a lot less frequently since I decided to put the fact I have cancer up onto my profile, but that''s a good thing. It means - supposedly - that the folks that message me can see beyond that and are willing to get to know me regardless. It's a lot LOT easier than getting to know someone, then trying to find the right time to drop that bombshell into the conversation, only to watch them run for the hills. Saves a lot of time and feelings from getting hurt.

My issue with online dating, or perhaps it's modern dating in general?, is the disposable nature people seem to have adopted towards others. As well as the overtly sexual overtones of EVERYTHING. In the years I've been doing online dating, I've had 3 relationships with people I've met on the site I'm on. And every single one of those ended with me being 'ghosted'. For those not knowing what that phrase means, it's where a person just vanishes without a word. There's no break up, there's no goodbye, they just stop replying to messages and calls, and vanish without a trace. Now I'm sorry, but that's just rude, and completely unsatisfactory - especially when there was no indication of any issues that I was aware of. You're just left wondering why, and you're never going to get an answer. The same thing happens when you're just messaging people, but that's a little more understandable and acceptable I think. Though a 'sorry, this isn't working for me' wouldn't go amiss, but it's different when it's a face to face, seeing each other regularly relationship.

Then there's the whooooooooooooole issue of unsolicited pics. Since when did it become 'ok', and 'socially acceptable' to flash people and expose yourself to them - so long as it's done via technology? You do that on the street, your bum will be put in prison and you'll go on a list. You do that online or via text/messaging service and it's fine. Ummmmm, no. No it's not. I do NOT want to wake up in the morning to a video on my phone that has auto downloaded thanks very much. When did this become ok?! Seriously!! And the fact that he couldn't understand why I'd blocked him just made it worse, because he seriously and honestly didn't see why what he had done was a problem. Apparently I should have been flattered....... Nope! I think disgusted was closer to what I was feeling this morning tbh.

So now I'm back to the 'I've given up trying' mindset. I'm not stereotypically beautiful. I'm fat. I have cancer. I'm not interested in 'lad banter', or whatever they try and call that rubbish behaviour that's encouraged on these reality shows. I'll happily stay single for now, and enjoy my nights in with my cats.

Crazy Cat Lady forever! <3

  • FormerMember

    I LOVE this post. You're the mad cat lady, I'm the mad dog lady. However, I don't have cancer, my mother does but my 'tell them first' bit is that I'm disabled, use a wheelchair etc. That tends to put them off.

    BUT, you're right in every sense, online 'dating' and I use that term very loosely, is just an open forum to invite people to have sex with one another. My daughter hit the nail on the head, people won't work at a relationship when sex is so readily available!! And that is SO true!!

    Dating in my era and generations before me (I'm 45) used to mean exactly that! Date for a good while before entering the intimacies. It just doesn't happen.

    After I divorced, I was fat and then I lost weight about four years after my split. At that point I got my confidence back and then started dating. Hated it!! All they wanted was sex and lied to get what they wanted and I was stupid enough to fall for it!!

    So, after about three years of dating and including online, I gave up because I realised it wasn't the other person that was going to make me happy, it was ME who was going to make me happy. Only I could bring true happiness to myself. I started archery and that kept me busy almost every weekend and a couple of nights in the week and got so good, I shoot for GB! I have no time for a relationship but I'm in love with my dogs lol. I've got two teenage kids who are my world and to be honest, it's been great not having the issues that come with a partner who's not their dad.

    With online dating, I could not believe those who straight away wanted to initiate sex talk and nudes!! I even got asked by a millionaire to be involved in couple sharing!! He said he would give me everything I wanted in return. Told him to get stuffed!!

    I dated one guy for three months. He took me all over the place. Lovely restaurants out of town. But then it dawned on me, why not go out in town, why? Because the git was married!! And it transpires his wife was a friend of a good friend of mine!! I was devastated!! She never found out thank god but only to spare her the pain of what he did to her because I suffered too!! Bastard!! They've since split anyway.

    So, relationships, nah, will pass. I'm happy being me. I don't even miss cuddles, sex, arguing, making up etc. I'm happy just plodding along. Xx

  • Your name makes so much sense now!! Lol. Also, you're flipping AWESOME!!

    My cancer has made me disabled, just through the pain it causes me and how that affects my mobility etc. So there's that that I need to tell folks too, especially when they want me to go places and do things. Sometimes, I just can't - and folks don't get that. You're completely right in what you say about working at a relationship, and wooing someone. It doesn't happen, and folks want the physical first. Well, I'm not up for - nor interested in - that. Which makes me uninteresting to most folks who approach me.

    I think the oddest requests I've had are from the 'feeders'. The guys who want me to eat while they watch, and then have me put on loads and loads more weight for them. Ummm..... no ta.

    But back to this shooting for GB..... I'm so very jealous! I used to teach the guides how to shoot, had my qualifications and everything. When I was doing them, the guy assessing me actually suggested I train and compete rather than teach as I was quite good. But I was a student back then and was doing too much already. It's something I've always meant to get back into, but haven't been able to for one reason or another. But one day I will..... I'll make sure of it!

  • FormerMember

    Haha!! So we are both crips and can fling arrows!! Shall we get married?? Lol. Nah, I'm allergic to cats (seriously lol).

    Stick with your furry friends. I tell mine everything!! They never talk back, they love me so much and I, them. Great team.

    Feeders do exist !! Twats!! I told the millionaire wife swapper he was on the wrong dating site!! I know the internet has opened up a whole new world and has probably helped very lonely people but it's also the most dangerous place in the world too. People die because if tinternet. I stay off as much as possible nowadays. I have an FB account but recently came off. I have a GB profile with about 2000 followers and the blokes are just weird!!! Asking to meet up, send nudes, urghhhhhhhh. I've closed it as I don't want to be traced by some psycho!!!

    I love archery, it's great fun but so much crap in the elite side of it. Lying, cheating, bullying. It all goes on and I've no time for it so I stay home, practice then go to selection shoots. The rest suffer on squad. Not a nice place. All this bullying in elite sport is very true. Some nasty people in elite sport who think they are untouchable. They are going to get a shock soon though lol.

    I love just plodding to my club and shooting with normal jo public. Such lovely people. On Sundays if the weather is nice, we spend all day shooting, drinking tea and having a picnic. Bliss!!

    If you are well enough to give it another go, go for it but meantime, keep plodding along. I love reading your posts. Great analogies. Love it. Xx

  • I'm sorry, but if you can't accept my cats it would never work between us. Gutting I know, but you'll get over me. However, my cats answer me back all the time! I tell Snugglebug off for being bad, and he'll stomp around screaming about how unfair I am sometimes. Makes me laugh, but at the same time I'm just all O.O at getting attitude from my cat!

    I've heard that about sport. My cousin qualified for the London Olympics in swimming, but wasn't high enough above the qualifying time so didn't get to go. But he did compete in the Commonwealth Games and medalled.

    Once I'm more recovered, I might look to see if there's a club I can get to. Though it might be a while. No way I can get my arms and back into the right positions needed the way they are. Maybe that can be my reward for finally coming to the end of my journey with cancer. Something to look forward to for whenever that day might come. Though who knows when THAT will be!

    Stay awesome! And I hope you continue to enjoy my ramblings. Lol. Who knows what the next one will be about.....