One day at a time

1 minute read time.

Hi Ikeep telling myself"one day at a time", most days that's what keeps me going.

I'm thankful that 12 months on and two different types of cancer I'm still here.

 " I shouldn't complain there are so many others in a worse situation than I am, be grateful, pull yourself together, stop being selfish" I hear myself telling myself.

But some days it doesn't feel like that, some days I feel angry for no reason, I forget that having invasive surgery IS treatment when I tell myself " well I didn't have to have chemo other treatments."

It's only just over 12 months now since I was diagnosed with Entrometrial cancer 

; within three weeks I had had an MRI and a radical hysterectomy and lymph nodes removed. 

I listened to all the advise and rested, didn't drive until I was ready, did my exercises, didn't pick up the Grandchildren, etc

At my 3 month check up it was obvious I had a severe vaginal prolapse so the last 9 months they've been trying to sort it.

nO complaints about my treatment or follow up, the NHS have been fantastic.

Still trying to come to terms with that,  when I'm diagnosed with Skin n Cancer , a malignant melanoma , so two more operations.

Thankfully that was caught in time.

So as I said I know I have so much to be thankful for.

My family and friends have been amazing, I am a person of faith, but still sometimes I feel no one really understands how I feel or understand , that each time I have a pain somewhere in my body I worry it's another cancer.

 Sometimes I just lie awake for hours.

I feel so tired and fatigued some days. 

I can be grumpy and snappy I can't find the words to explain the emotions I am experiencing.

I don't always understand them myself!

I try and explain that Cancer has changed me,I'm not the same person. But as much as those closest to me try and understand I know they don't.

Having read so many others blogs on this site it has really helped to,realise so many of you do understand.

I suppose today is the first day I've had the courage to share all this with others apart from my IPad!

Thanks to those of you who have shared and it's been so supportive.

Tomorrow is a new day so One day at a time....


  • FormerMember

    Stop beating yourself up. You didn't ask for this. Who would?

    Right now you need to concentrate on you. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    I understand where you are coming from. I find myself worrying about my family and how I dont want to bother or hurt them. But it's out of my control.

  • FormerMember

    Hi. Just reading through some of the blogs. Yours says all the ways i feel. I am not the same so i know what you are talking about. I worry how it effects my family mainly my wife who has put up with a lot. I hope you are keeping well it has helped me reading your blog.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Happy Days, it's always a help to realise that others have similar feelings. Each cancer journey will be unique and personal but to know someone else understands is a real help. Our partners go on the journey with us too.

    Hope you've had a good weekend


  • FormerMember

    Oh bless you. Cancer does change you however much you try, so just go with it, and if you feel rubbish, then so be it! Don't be so hard on yourself, we all can understand the feelings of 'what if it comes back'.

    I was sitting watching tv last night, with this niggle and pain, it went thru my mind (we are only human). Pushed it to the back of my mind, and today, it's gone and so has the thoughts!

    The tiredness and fatigue is frustrating in itself - it will improve I promise, takes what seems likes forever, but one day- hey ho.

    Sending you much love, be kind to yourself, acceptance is the key, easier to write than do!

    None of us are the same people, I like to think I am a nicer person, but maybe I am kidding myself! Xxx