still very

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So today is our appointment day for seeing the cancer unit and seeing the doc to sign paper work ect week after being told I have breast cancer still fills like a bad dream and I will wake up :)

  • FormerMember

    I know exactly how you feel, I'm waiting to see when my chemo starts.. Breast cancer grade 3, had a right breast mastectomy . We're in for a rough ride. All seems so surreal and at times feel it's happening to someone else and not me!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Guys,

    My wife has had her 4th cycle of CT chemo today, she's currently resting in bed. She was diagnosed with IDC or invasive ductal carcinoma in 2014 stage 3 and 5cm it was Hormone receptive. she had a left breast mastectomy with immediate reconstruction followed by 6 sessions of FECT chemo then 30 days of radiotherapy. It was hard going but she came thru it very well and extremely positive. Then in October of last year she was diagnosed again in the right breast this time with a lobular cancer which meant she couldn't feel any lump or ill effects. Again it was hormone receptive. She has just had her final session of chemo today and in three weeks or so will start her radiotherapy. Whilst this has all been incredibly hard to deal with for her she has always been super positive which has really helped. She didn't go down the route of looking on the web for the why's and wherefores of why she got cancer but instead used the brilliant breast care nurses and also her amazing consultant. She keeps a note pad handy and just writes down any queries or questions she has. She often calls the breast care team who are always willing to discuss her concerns. I think the way she deals with it all is by like you have said take each day as it comes. We are lucky that we have a very good support net work including family and friends. Some of the people we have met on our journey are now some of our best friends. Please don't let yourself feel alone as there are people to lean on when you need it. Do not be afraid to ask for help I guess is what I'm saying and this fight doesn't have to be all doom and gloom as the positives in our journey far outweigh the negatives. We are both looking forward to our future and hopefully my reply to you will help in some way. Always ask questions no matter how daft you think they are. 

    good luck xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm new to al this and all terms which people use seem so natural to you all, I suppose you pick medical terms up within the journey. Waiting for biopsy results tomorrow but been told there is something ther which needs to be removed so looking like. Surgery is soon to follow. The waiting is worse as so many different types of breast cancer and each needing different treatment so identifying which path mine will be is difficult. Remaining positive just feel bit in limbo till tomorrow.

    Hope your wife is getting some good rest and feeling little better.xx