Lump in throat Eshap script

1 minute read time.

Hi all, I'm all new to this and I was wondering if anybody has had the same scenario as me.

Bit of back ground info. I'm a 41 year old male, I was diagnosed last October with Hodgkin Lymphoma stage 2. I started feeling unwell beforehand with typical symptoms, weight loss, night sweats and fatigue. After having a PET scan it showed I had a large mass in my chest measuring 150mm, glands both in my chest and neck showing sinister activity.

Commence ABVD, had 2 cycles (4 treatments) then another PET scan. The results were encouraging, reduction in mass size to 100mm and no activity in the glands in my chest and neck. 

Commence another 2 cycles of ABVD, followed by another PET scan. The results of this were not as encouraging. The mass had reduced slightly, but showed as still very active. 

I was then changed on my plan, they now recommend ESHAP. 2 cycles then another PET scan, with the intention on going onto stem cell transplant.

Sorry for waffling, but I have 2 concerns myself. 

Firstly since starting chemo, I have the feeling of a lump in my throat, it feels as if somebody is pushing there finger into the left hand side of my upper throat. It's been a constant niggle, doesn't get any worse or better, the only time I do not notice it is when I'm eating or drinking. I've mentioned it to the consultant but they say they can't see anything on the PET scans?

Secondly, having been told I was going onto Eshap, I looked into it online. All the info I can find states that the Cisplatin part is infused for a 96hr stint (4 days). Upon having my first cycle the Cisplatin was only infused over a 30 min period, after 1l of saline before and 1l after. Could anybody comment on there Eshap experiences?

I suffered with the side effects from the first ABVD, but after that I managed well, even after the first Eshap. I feel well in myself and have managed to keep on working through. (Part of me wants to feel unwell if you know where I'm coming from)

Looking forward to speaking to people who may have experienced any of the above.

Thanks, Dave.

  • FormerMember


    ave you're posting in the wrong area. This part is for blogs. If you click on community and cancer types, you will find the lymphoma area and post in there. Just copy and paste the above.

    Take care and wish you luck. X