Finding out.

1 minute read time.

Hi, I've never done anything like this before but I need to get it out of my head & possible some advice on the whole situation.Couple months ago found out nan had bladder cancer, she went for this operation which was unsuccessful they couldn't remove it... long story short few days ago she got told it's now in her pelvis and spreading in her lymph nodes (I didn't go with her so this what mum told me) and there is treatments that will only prolong her life she incurable.. as she has radiotherapy before she can't have it again? And chemo will make her ill due to her other illness. I just don't know how to handle this situation my nan a big big part of my life and I can't see her not being in it. We have amazing big family that all adore this women.. but I feel I'm the only one taking this badly.. I can't sleep, I can't eat.. one minute I'm crying next minute I'm angry at the world. I know she still here now and I should enjoy this time while I can which I'm trying to do but I'm finding it so hard to be strong in front of her every time I see her I just want to grip hold of her and never let go. As for my nan she took it quiet well at first then morning after I think it hit her properly. I sat next to her for 2 hours and she didn't even speak but I fully understand reasons behind that. I'm just really struggling we got a big caring family but I feel so alone like I'm the only one feeling this way but they just hide it better than me there stronger. I just don't know what to do next or how to feel, I'm just keeping busy so I don't think about it but when I stop it hits me like a ton of bricks I just don't want my nan to die. I wanted her to see my kids have kids and watch me get married yet. I just can't come to the terms that this is going to eat her up and take her away from us. I'm sorry if any of this has come across selfish I just adore my Nanna :( 
