
1 minute read time.

These past 5 weeks we have had some real downs, bad headaches, pain in the chest, not going to the loo, feeling sick, falling asleep,not being able to do anything. We have bickered  becuase I ask how he feels and he says "like sh.." which I say is no use to tell the emergency services if I needed them. Any carer will know where I am coming from here.
During his treatment time, my 40 year old nephew who had been in remission for 17 years from Leukemia then got unrelated, liver cancer and within two months had died. 
My husband's older sister died after fighting stomach cancer, and his 99 year old uncle was taken into hospital, so was his 84 year old uncle.  Our son was rushed to hospital for a gall blader op, our daughter was also for an emergency hysterectomy and our grandson was stabbed in Spain.
THE GOOD NEWS a letter from the oncologist saying that he had had an excellent response to the treatment and doesn't want to see him again until June.
I got a pay rise at work and this morning when I took my Des his cup of tea,he laughed at something I said and didn't have a headache.   I have just rang him and he has had some badly cooked sausage, egg and bacon - who says Friday 13th is bad?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Margaret,

    You and your family have been through it!

    Yay for good news from the oncologist, and long may the good news continue.

    Colin xxx

    PS. Pleased my blog was a nice distraction from Sage!

    C x

  • FormerMember

    Hello C

    See I am off the work trail yet again !

    Many years ago I used to walk the South Downs just outside Seaford.  I used to stay in a house in Littlington - Have you ever been that way ?


  • FormerMember

    Hi.So pleased your Des is doing well..long may it continue but so sorry for all the troubles youve had.I cant believe how many of your relations have had bad things happen.Hope its all good from now on.Youre very positive.HUGS xx