Pancreatic has my Dad

Less than one minute read time.

My Dad. So many things I could say about him , however I shallnt bore you, well not now anyway. 

He went for a PET SCAN. Unfortunately he didn't go through with it as it's the tunnel scanner and not the ring doughnut. His claustrophobia took over. He apologised for wasting the medical staffs time, that's my dad, concerned about others.

Another appointment has been booked and he has a special tablet to take to make the scan less daunting for him. Fingers crossed all goes well.

This tumor on his pancreas is nearly 3cm. I'm one of those people who needs to know everything, surgery, aftercare absolutely everything. I have to be there for him and my mum. 

It's upsetting , it's scary and again I find myself on the sidelines.
