Bad news!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

I've just heard from my son this morning that DIL has suffered a stroke.

This is terrible news; the news that she had lung cancer was bad enough but at least she was positive about it all and that helps.

But now because of her condition there is nothing the hospital can do to help combat the stroke.

All this has happened as they were about to embark on a new life running a craft shop in Aberystwyth.

I am devastated!

Sorry I can't be more positive,


  • FormerMember

    This is so B****y unfair, Colin, you & your family have suffered so much. Enough already! All I can say is that you are a strong, courageous man & you will I'm sure be such a source of strength to your son & DIL.

    As we say to everyone else at times like this: One Day At A Time.

    With love and hugs to you all,

    Twirly xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Colin!!!!! Of course you feel negative, it's all such a shock and dreadfully unfair! We are all here for you to rant or cry or moan, and all I can do is send warm Welsh Cwtchs and love to you and your family....

    Ems xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Colin,

    So very sorry to hear this news, but it is a good sign that your D.I.L. is able to understand and even communicate. The more progress she can make in the first week / month after her stroke, the more positive it is that she will do much better than first thought. As everyone else has said, it is SO Unfair, but as a family you will get through this together.

    Love and hugs to you and your family. Thoughts and prayers with you all too. Hugs, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    Odin I'm so sorry, I've only just seen this

    Sending you and you family lots of hugs and happy thoughts xxxxxx