Waking Up

Less than one minute read time.
Waking up one morning
Totally without warning
A splitting headache It was so bad
I could not appreciate the sunny morning

I went to the chemist for headache pills
But he sent me to my gp on the hill
My gp sent me to a specialist
Who said I was very ill

Now I am living with a brain tumour
Which I try to make light of with humour
I know I will soon die
From this terrible tumour

But  I must look back on the good life i have had
The many friends good and bad
That I have to be thankful for
So no need to be sad
  • FormerMember

    Hi Daphne,

    What a lovely poem. you wont die you have along way to go yet and alot more damage to do.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hugs mate - ta for sharing - want to know a secret ? every person on the planet is dying !

    OK a day at a time from the day we are born. we can hide in a cold lonley place, alone, or we can walk in the sun with friends.

    All any of us have is today - ask 20,000 japanese - no disrespect intended

    No one is guaranteed tomorrow, yesterday has gone - We have today - Know the best thing about Cancer - it reminds us we are vunerable.

    Do not have regrets - but listen to the wake-up call - Every day is a beautiful experience so many will never know - we are the Lucky ones.

    Love and Hugs xx

  • FormerMember

    Well said John yet again.

    I hope you are doing ok Daphne.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    What a wonderful poem written with courage and strength.  Keep fighting x x