another waiting game

1 minute read time.

Since being diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer on 13th July i have felt that it has been a waiting game every step of the way... I realise things need to be clarified properly so as the right information is given but it dosent make things any easier.

I had an operation date booked, however i did not know what operation i was having until 4 days before i went in as were waiting for MRI results, I had wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy on Mon 22nd August and felt great afterwards, i think that is the relief that the cancer had been removed.

Unfortunately got results 2 days ago and now have to have cat scan next week on pelvis, abdomen and chest before i go back in for total axcillary clearance the following week, hopefully that will be all and the scan dosent show any other nasties...

I then have chemo to look forward to and then radiotherapy and also hormone treatment, although i know these things are not nice i want to have everything possible to stop this horrible disease from coming back.

The scariest thing of all is the waiting and not knowing, i am quite a positive person and believe that once you have the full information you can then process it and put into place your own plan on how you deal with what is thrown at you.

The one thing i am in control of at the moment is that i have signed up for clinical trials as i fall into a category that they are looking at, that makes me feel that at least i can do some good for the future treatment of others who find themselves in this horrible situation.



  • FormerMember

    Oh I am Right with you there!!! The waiting is the worst and it is always so long too...  always weeks, never hours... it does my head in!

    Keep your positivity up and we will all be there for you in the meantime to support you along the way and we all sympathise with the waiting thing...

    I finished treatment in mid June and only find out next week whether it might have worked or not... that was a wait and a half! (and I bet they say oh we are not sure, come back  in another month  ha ha ) :o)

    Big hug to you

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hope everything goes well for you next week and you get the news you want..