Having some fun............with cancer?

3 minute read time.

First of all lets get the serious stuff out of the way.....

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the beginning of October and had an operation to remove my prostate two months later. Right now I'm recovering from the operation and just taking each day at a time while I'm recovering. It's been tough.

But at the same time as I reflect back and look at the many events which took place both good and bad at the time of the operation my main feeling is one of thankfulness that I'm still here with a good chance that I can get back to a normal life. I'm thankfull to the surgery team where I had the operation for their professionalism and manner. They are trully the greatest!

Strange happenings in the dark and dank dungeons of the operating theatre.....

About one week after the operation I began to think about a strange question that kept coming in to my head: "I had a cancer operation and my prostate was removed but how do I know for definite that this is what my operation was for! I was given the results of previous tests but I had to take the word of the doctors as to my condition, in other words for all I knew I was perfectly fit and all of this was a kind of make believe, a bad dream that I was having during the day time in my waking hours.......

Maybe, just maybe there's a team of people who work in certain hospitals whose job it is to get certain kinds of people in to the operating theatre so that once the person is in their hands, unconscious, they can do whatever they want to to the person who is unconcsious. For example they could have implanted me with some kind of implant that will turn me in to an alien....well maybe that's going a bit far.

Or, maybe all of the staff at the hospital where I had the operation are in fact 'all' aliens and have come from another planet to accomplish their dasterdly ways with us very fit human beings. Maybe, our body parts will be used for research by the aliens or sold to the highest bidders. Maybe, we've all been told that we're ill but in fact there are devious and dastardly things going on in dark places.........yikes, I'm scaring myself here.

I'm having fun with this blog post to tell myself it's time to laugh and the tears have to stop.

And, just maybe, just maybe I'm going out of my mind. But in fact I want to have a bit of fun here with this blog post! I just want to laugh and stop the tears because cancer also surely has a positive side as well as all of the suffering that comes with it. With me I've learned a lot about myself paritcularlly about my weaknesses and as a consequence am learning fast to overcome all things including cancer.

Not even cancer can beat the human spirit

In my own life I'm making a new start particularly in my career and can't wait to do this. With all suffering there has to be an end or at the very least a turn around which dosen't have to be physical as in my case with a career but a turn around of values and realising what is important in this life that we are living in. It's a very temporary life and one which it's important to not let it defeat us. For me God is great and it's him that's winning the battle. I alone can do nothing.
