The New Journey

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Hi again!

Well had two days at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.  Got a bone marrow asp - which was more painful thatn the one I had last June when I was diagnosed.  Also took loads of blood from me and ECG and echo cardiogram.  I see the consultant again on Tuesday when - if he has happy with results I will be starting my new trial drug lenalidamide.

I have lots of mixed thoughts- whether I am right to accept treatment as I had decided before not to.  However I am going for it - the worst scenario being - curtains for me - which is what the leukaemia would do to me anyway. Today I feel very calm and tranquil but of course that changes - tomorrow I may be a gibbering wrech - one day at a time eh?

Wil post again soon to let you know how I am getting on with 'killer pills'.
