Living with my unwelcome guest!

1 minute read time.
As already I stated I was only diagnosed with AML a few weeks ago - fortunately my family although shattered are all grown up - must be so hard for those of you who are seriously ill and have young children to care for. Anyway I have decided to look on my illness as an unwelcome guest and call him Luke - I didn't want Luke here at all - but now I have to learn to live with him. The thing he hates most is me being happy and cheerful - so I am determined to be that as much as is possible. He loves it when I get down because he gets his feet firmly planted then. Today I have ignored him completely - I went shopping and bought some new clothes and a pair of shoes - I then met up with a friend for coffee and a smashing muffin - then went off to visit another friend are we have arranged to go to a chalet in Campbelltown for the weekend at the beginning of August - Luke is not getting to come - he can stay at home and no doubt will try to lay traps for me. I find the time he scares me the most is in the evening between 7 and 9 - before I go to bed so have made mental note to build some defences for that time. Not so bad when I go to bed cos then I am busy visualising platelets - haemoglobin and white cell count going up. When I went on Wed for bloods platelets were pretty low - Luke's fault of course so I will have to concentrate on getting them up. Due to get blood trans next Fri - that keeps Luke quiet and compliant for a while.