Day 5 of lenalidamide!

Less than one minute read time.

Well - I am still here - only side effect I have so far is a little bit of itching on my forhead and scalp - guess I can cope with that.  I also have to take Allipurinol - which I thought was odd as hubby gets that for his gout but apparently dead cancer cells turn into protein which then turns into uric acid - so it is to stop that from building up.  Sure as heck don't want gout on top of everything else.

Energy levels seem to be okay as is appetite.  Another bone marrow asp on 23rd March whiich will see how the leukaemia cells are responding.  If good response will probably start chemo next month - what a thought.

In the words of Mark Twain - I check the obituaries every day and if my name isn't there - carry on as usual!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Christine,

    Just wondering how you are keeping?

    You maybe remember me... My Mum attended the Victoria Hospital too - Joan Ogilvie...

    Thinking of you.  Not been online for  a few months but am online tonight and thought of you.

    Take care
