
1 minute read time.

Hi everyone,

My head's been all over the place this past week and I forgot my password - so had to create new account - new to this blogging stuff!

Thanks for everyone's previous messages - they made interesting reading! I LOL at the 'plaster jokes' ouch!

Dad was heartbroken at the weekend lots of tears! but Dad saw his Oncologist today and things seem a little more positive.  She said she had seen people come back from where Dad is at the moment (initially given 1-2 years!) it all depends on how he responds to treatment and everyone is individual - so who knows!  At least it's given him hope!

I thought they were going to give him radiotherapy but 'no' it's the tablet route (is that normal?)
So a new course of treatment has started:
30g of Lanoprazole every morning
2mg Dexamethasone every morning (for fortnight)
1000mg Dexamethasone (first fortnight) then reduced to 500mg daily

Then he'll have another Oncologist appt inFeb after more blood tests and  hormone injection in March

I couldn't make the appointment with M&D (it's a 500 mile round trip, difficult with a young family living away from my family!) - so just wondering if there are other questions I/we should be asking! 

