Upcoming hysterectomy

1 minute read time.


I havnt written here before but have read a lot of your blogs

i am 68 and after a bout of Covid at Christmas I had a bleed was not able to see a dr until mid January due to the Covid and he referred me to a gynocologist … I was not examined and she told me I probably had cancer and sent me off to London for a scan 

the scan showed abnormalities and they tried to do a biopsy which was unsuccessful and very painful and I was sent back to the original gynaecologist who said my weight was a factor and I needed a specialist dr … I was then referred to dr Ind in Harley street … he was very nice and said I needed to have a biopsy which he would do under general anesthetic in a couple of weeks … he also mentioned my needing to loose weight … after the biopsy he came to see me and told me I had had some fibroids removed and also a couple of polyps and to see him in a couple of weeks … results showed no cancer but a focus on one of the polyps …. He said he would run things by in his next meeting which resulted in them saying I need a hysterectomy 

I have since lost 22 kilos by dieting my hysterectomy is on 23rd may and I’m so anxious as I’m still overweight at 128 kilos … worried about my age …weight …. And complications after op 

thanks for reading 

  • Dear Larfer  So sorry to hear about your concerns.

  • I myself had a hysterectomy due to womb cancer ,I’m 62 and over weight .But I had a pre assement  ,before surgery they even checked my heart because they thought it had a mur mur but all was ok after further investigations.

  • sorry I keep pressing the wrong button. I was very nervous about the surgery but the staff were wonderful .Think positive thoughts. I’m sure all will go well for you .Take one day at a time  

  • Thank you I feel unusually calm this morning I know the situation is now out of my hands and I’m sure the surgeon would not go ahead if he thought otherwise … I was talking to a neighbour this week who had womb cancer a couple years ago and she’s about my size and she had no problems at all in and out in a day with laproscopic surgery… which calmed me somewhat … anyway I’m in at midday and not sure what time my op will be but will let you know and thank you 

  • I do hope you are starting to feel a little better after your surgery, I had a hysterectomy many years ago, it take a little time to get over, however you’re going to be fine in a few weeks.