Where to from here

2 minute read time.

Im not sure if i should be here because my husband has not been diagonised with cancer hell he hasn't been diagonised with any thing but he seems to be getting sicker and sicker. And it's been going on for so long now that i cant remember the last time he wasn't in pain i think it was 6 maybe 7 years ago now. he was about 25 when he first got sick so young that when we went to the doctors they didn't believe him.we have been to so many doctors over the years that just don't seem to care it's heart breaking in the begining they simply refused to do the test that we asked for and laughed it of as something we had seen on tv that he was to young to have any of the issues that we told them about.So he gave up Then at 29 he suffered 3 major heart attacks which just made everything so much worse but it forced him to go to hospital and we thought that maybe something someone would find out what was happening but it didn't. they whacked him on meds and sent him home.... Meds that should not of been taken with his anti depressents when i told his doctor that all of the meds had a major warring that said they were not meant to be mixed he laughed and said that is what the hospital put him on that was what he was staying on 3 days later he had a break down and tried to OD.back in hospitial again this time he was written up as substance abuse.lmao never would of happened if they had listened to me in the first place.so he gave up again.then i fell pregant with our little man and we were hoping that we would now get help. when i was 7 months we moved and it was such a big move that he ended up in hospitial again this time for over a week in a major hospital in a major city and yet they still didn't seem to care they done one test it came back negitive and they sent him home.since then we have been to countless number of doctors and and they all seen to put him in the too hard basket i have pages and pages of daily problems that he suffers with but they all look at the easy solution start his heart meds and anti depressents back up the same ones as before even though they know what happened last time and that they seriously make his stomach so much worse then finding out what is really going on.now his given up again but i cant keep going on this way his anger and depression is so bad his pain is of the charts but how can i get him to go get help when we have been let down so many times by so many people that were meant to care hell its there job     
