Unhappy with Dr's and social work

1 minute read time.

After finding out my brother has lung cancer I'm really horrified at his treatment that he was given now he always said he would stay in his own home with his beloved cat which we all accept the problem was that we had to fight tooth and nail to get simple things like pain relief carers even toilet things in for him the last week of his life after getting social workers back out and agreeing his no existing package needed upped to more and that he was going to speak to the manager about it they were also contacting our own gp to see what could happen as well since in his last week he had soiled himself clearly not in sound mind and delirious  as he has not had any liquids or food all week rapid decline in his health hence loosing bodily fluids and not letting anyone near him to clean him up this is truly upsetting as a member of family to watch especially as he got his own facies in his eyes and all over his face and full body when the said Dr turned up I was called to be told he was fine and resting up and sleeping but was still in sound mind by this time I'm near hysterical so my neice call gp back up looking for a second opinion which we got next day finally he agreed that my brother should go into hospital my brother also agreed then we had the wait for ambulance unfortunately the wait was only 1 and a half hours for my brother who then passed away meaning gp had to come back to my brother saying I was only just here an hour and a half ago the ambulance called to say that they were on the way again 2 late to say I'm deeply upset is an understatement 
