So confused

1 minute read time.

Everything was going to be okay, just a dark tunnel to go through but they always say there is light at the end of the tunnel. Putting on my brave face i took in the fact that it was cancer and that  it was going to be a struggle but just kept thinking of how it was just going to take up a year of my life then i would get rid and live happily ever after...but lifes never that easy.

A few days ago i had an appointment with my surgeon whom was going to be removing my stomach. I was nervous because this meeting was to provide me with dates n details of my surgery and losing my stomach honestly scared the hell out of me. I was not prepared for the news the surgeon gave me though. UNCUREABLE was really the only word i could take in. the surgery was no longer an option the cancer was more "aggressive" than first thought and now spread into my liver,

I am 19 how can this be happening to me? What do i do now? How can you possibly functiion knowing that there is something taking over your body and there is nothing you or anyone else do about it.

Worst part...i hate putting my family through this.

Is it a cheek for me to smile when they are hurting so bad? should i go out and have fun? how can life now continue? its like nothing really matters anymore.. i no longer have the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • FormerMember

    Oh my I am so sorry.  What is their plan for you now?  Just because it's incurable doesn't mean the end, they can still have a good go and shrinking it and cleaning the liver with chemo and then surgery may be an option in the future.  Keep smiling xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gema,

    I live in a little town in Ayrshire called Prestwick. Have a wee read of my profile. You will see we have a lot in common on the Medical front.  You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hmm thats no easy pill to swallow! do u have a good support network? hang in there xo

  • FormerMember

    Hey mollyb i dont know what the plan for me is yet, got meeting with consultant tommorow and just want them to give me some hope really. But smiling is what i have been doing, as hard as it got to keep ma chin up :) xx

    Hey Sarsfield, i know prestwick was there on a wee break last munth at the Malcolm Sargaent House and had a fantastic time even managed a wee paddle in the sea :)

    Hey Missym86 yeaha i have support from the most amazing family ever but sometimes i am afraid to go to them for support cause to be honest i think i am coping better than them. I am lucky to have great friends who are always around to talk to though and my nurses are there for me whenever i need them x