Out of control

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My best friend has cancer, breast cancer. I tried so hard to live in a bubble, pretend that the scare wasnt happening, couldnt happen to an angel like my friend, not her, then it comes along the diagnosis, prognosis, something I didnt want to accept, something part of me still doesnt want to come to terms with, if I accept it it then becomes real? Its out of my control, all of it, there is nothing there which can be controlled, and it feels very very out of control....

  • Hello Samsmum.Usually when we hear something bad or good the person we want to share with is our best friend.Often they are closer to us than family.My best friend died from Colon/rectal cancer and three of my friends have had breast cancer and are survivors.When you are told someone close to you has cancer it is a shock and your thoughts and feelings are all over the place trying to make some sense of it all.All I can say is that the thing you can control in this is that you continue to be the friend you have always been.Hold her hand when she needs you to support her and be there when she needs you to be and most of all listen to her when she needs to talk.Along the way you will share laughter as well as tears,good times and bad cancer is a roller coaster ride and yes you can feel out of control.If you can let go of feeling you must be in control and take each day as it comes a cliche I know then the ride will be less fraught.Bad things happen to good people but if we face those bad things together then it makes us feel stronger and more able to face them.I wish you and your friend all good things Scraton xxxx