Motown and icecream - my way of coping!!

1 minute read time.

In January 2010 I had a hysterechtomy as cancer cells had been found in my womb, just two months after my initial concerns had been treated BRILLIANTLY by my GP.  A few weeks later the tests showed that I didn't need further treatment as it had been detected so early.  NEVER PUT OFF GOING TO YOUR DOCTOR is a lesson that should be learned by everyone.  I took it as a wake up call and started to go to the gym, lost weight and improved my fitness considerably.

In August 2011 I was devastated to learn that I had bowel cancer - detected by the kit that the government sends out to the over 60s - I had had no symptoms at all.  I had surgery in September 2011 and this had to be followed by 5 months of chemotherapy as they had found cancer cells in some of the lymph nodes taken out.  I got over the surgery reasonably quickly, but found the chemo increasingly hard to take.  There were very dark days towards the end, but the thought of a holiday in the sun, eating icecream (not allowed when having the chemo, in fact nothing cold at all) and playing my Motown music at full blast  got me through, plus of course brilliant care by my wonderful husband and family.

Just wanted to say that 10 months out from chemo I am just about back to my old self, except for the problem of tingling in my hands and feet.  This was caused by nerve damage during chemo.  It's just irritating now, as against very painful last summer.   All you can do is be patient, as it will get better when it wants to.

So good luck to everyone fighting their battles currently.  I got through by staying as positive as possible and I really hope you all do too.  p.s.  a large dry sherry also helped plus staying as active as possible.
