Trial Run

1 minute read time.

It's Wednesday, October 28th - bit of non day weatherwise (dull, grey skies with a bit of a chilly wind) reminds us of home on the Isle of Man. Andrew had quite a good night - he's now waking up every 2 hours during the night to visit the loo. His appetite is good too, eating 5 small meals a day which keeps me pretty busy either cooking or shopping. He still looks pale and wan and feeling very tired most of the time but he is in good spirits and starting to sound like his old self.

At the moment life revolves around the bathroom. If we venture out along the Skyways & Subways, we have to know that we can get to the washroom pdq. Bearing all this in mind I decide that today is the day to attempt our first excursion together to a local Mall. The mission is to buy Series 4 of House - we've spent the last four weeks watching this hospital series day after day, evening after evening - it's pretty well kept us sane. So we set off, first the courtesy car to Mayo Clinic (not very far away and quite walkable but don't want Andrew to use up all his energy at this stage...) From there we caught the number 7 bus and arrived at Apache Mall ten minutes later. Two visits to the Mall washroom, a cappucino, and our House series purchase - our mission accomplished! We were home within 2 hours - just in time to catch the phone call from Andrew's surgeon wanting to know how things are going. A big thumbs up all around......

So why Trial Run? Well, I've heard that the biggest Mall in America is just an hour away in Minneapolis - there's even a coach to take you there... today was just a practice session!
T x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Trischka,you have both come such a

    long way on this journey together, you

    and Andrew should be so proud of the

    way you have both faced this treatment

    and your are nearly at the finishing line.

    I know this has been so hard for you

    both but now you must look forward, and

    i wish you both everything you wish


    With Love Lucylee.. XXXXXX.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Trishka, good to see that Andrew is slowly but surely getting back to his old self.

    I'm sure with those five meals a day, albeit small ones, he will be running around in no time.

    Best wishes to you both, Christine xx