My week after 1st Chemo

Less than one minute read time.

Had my treatment on Wednesday, had one bout of diarrhoea on Thursday morning took some Imodium and that sorted it out. Felt fine Thursday a little tired and felt fine Friday until after my evening meal when the nausea hit me like a bus. I didn’t take any anti sickness meds beforehand as I hoped that I wouldn’t need them. They kicked in after about an hour so that was good. I had an irritated bladder which I think was because by Thursday my water intake had gone down so lesson learned there. Felt mostly ok on Saturday had just one tablet and the same on Sunday. My appetite has definitely decreased which isn’t a bad thing as I really do need to lose some weight. Just one tablet needed on Monday too then none need on Tuesday.

So today was my 2nd treatment which went without any problems apart from taking 3 attempts to find a vein that was willing to work. Came home and rested and had a little nap, just had a sandwich for tea. Still feeling ok.
